
The academy has established the EAACI Sections on Basic & Clinical Immunology, Asthma, Pediatric, Dermatology and ENT. The sections are represented in the Executive Committee by their chairs and have the opportunity to propose task forces as well as joint sessions with appropriate specialised societies. Every 2 years, new board members, chair and secretary and ExCom members are elected.

JM Assembly

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Board 2024-2026

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    Aspasia Karavelia
    JM Assembly Chair
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    Rubén Fernández-Santamaría
    JM Assembly Secretary
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    Leticia De las Vecillas Sanchez
    JM Assembly Past-Chair
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    Jitesh Chauhan
    Basic & Clinical Immunology Section
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    Ozge Can Bostan
    Asthma Section
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    Ekaterina Khaleva
    Pediatrics Section
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    Polina Pyatilova
    Dermatology Section
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    Fabio Ryser
    ENT Section
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    Pedro Alves
    Allied Health & Primary Care Section
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    Bianca Olivieri
    Food Allergy IG
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    Marina Labella Alvarez
    Drug Allergy IG
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    Martha Jimenez Freites
    Allergen Immunotherapy IG
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    Gonçalo Silva
    Environmental and Occupational Allergy IG
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    Riccardo Castagnoli
    Allergy Diagnosis & Systems Medicine IG


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EAACI Journals Collaborations

The JMA board collaborate with EAACI journals including Allergy, Clinical and Translational Allergy (CTA) and Pediatric Allergy and Immunology (PAI) papers, especially through Social Media channels (Twitter; Facebook; LinkedIn) to increase the visibility of interesting and updated articles on allergy and immunology, with special interest for Juniors.

The most interesting and recent pieces are selected as JM must read articles every month.

  • JM must read articles from Allergy: find them here
  • JM must read articles from PAI: find them here
  • JM must read articles from CTA: the articles will be availale shortly

JM News Corner

The JM News Corner in the Allergy journal webpage is a platform where relevant news are periodically posted, mainly related to JMs’ achievements, projects and publications. Find it HERE.
We would like to know more about allergy centres all around the world. Please send us a short issue about your clinical and research activities with the description of your workplace (maximum 200 words) and 2-3 high-resolution images of the place, yourself, and your team. We will be glad to share your experience with all the JMs’ community.

Contact us at

Groundbreaking Discoveries in Immunology

A recent section on the Allergy journal coordinated by the JMA in which brief summaries based on the most innovative and relevant articles, published in Top-tier journals, are collected. The section is monthly updated. Find it on the Allergy website HERE.

Educational initiatives

  • Allergy College

    EAACI is doing a tremendous effort to promote education on allergy and immunology among undergraduate students around all the world.

    The Allergy College program gives to undergraduate students the possibility to collaborate with Mentors, selected for their prominent expertise. All the mentor-student pairs will be invited to submit an abstract on allergy and/or immunology including original research, case report or review. The best abstracts will be selected, and their corresponding students will be invited to the Annual Congress.

    For further information, please check instructions for Allergy College 2025 and send an email at

  • “Tell us about your project” contest

    Scientists have an important educational role in Society. They must be communicative, able to “translate” their scientific findings into an easy-language, understood by people without specific prior scientific knowledge.

    To foster the communication skills of Junior members, the JMA launch the conquest “Tell us about your project”. In it, JMs will be asked to present their project in just three minutes with a single slide as visual support. Presentations should be easily understandable for a non-specialised audience. Participants will receive a certificate of participation, and the three best presentations will receive a scholarship for the EAACI Congress 2023. Additionally, presentations will be disseminated by EAACI JMs social channels. You can find them here:

    For further information on how to apply, please send an email at

  • Mentorship Program

    One important EAACI strategic goal is to help JMs in taking their first steps as allergy and immunology specialists.

    The MP consists of 1 year of collaborative working between a JM (the mentee) and a senior member (the mentor), working in similar fields. The applications last, on average, 3 months, starting with the Mentors. Later, the call for Mentees is opened. JM must send a brief CV and a cover letter, which will be evaluated and, on average, 10 candidates are selected.

    Given this, the MP promotes research training opportunities and encourages JMs to submit a proposal for a manuscript. The best manuscripts will be proposed as possible publications to the Editors of PAI and CTA. Furthermore, the JM Assembly will support the successful pairs, through the collection of scientific contributions for the EAACI Journal or newsletter.

    For further information, email us at

    Read more

JM Quizz

Every year the EAACI Junior Member Assembly launchs the JM Quiz consisting of 5 questions that will be posted each month from January to April in our Social Media channels.
Participating, you have the opportunity to win a complimentary travel grant of up to 500 euros for the EAACI Annual Congress.
You can take the JM Quiz 2024 by clicking the following link: