

Article 1: Name and Seat

Article 1: Name and Seat

a) The name of the association shall be the “European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology”, hereinafter referred to as the “Association” or the “Academy” or “EAACI”.
b) The Academy is an association (Verein) pursuant to Articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as SCC).
c) The official headquarter (seat) of the Academy is in Zurich, Switzerland. The address of the office of the Academy will be determined by a resolution of the Executive Committee of the Academy.
d) The Academy is an international organisation of individual persons and organisations, constituted as an association. The Association has no commercial aims and is non- profit.
e) The Academy may be moved elsewhere in Switzerland or Europe, as determined by the General Assembly.
f) The re-incorporated Academy has taken over all assets and liabilities of its predecessor organization.

Article 2: Vision and Mission

Article 2: Vision and Mission

The Vision of the Academy is to lead the way towards better understanding, improved management and eventual cure of allergies, asthma and immunological diseases.

The Academy is a nonprofit-organisation with a Mission to:

  • promote basic and clinical research;
  • collect, assess and disseminate scientific information;
  • act a scientific reference body for other scientific, health and political organisations and an advocate towards political organisation and the general public;
  • encourage and provide training, continuous education, and professional development;
  • collaborate with patients and lay organisations in the area of allergy and clinical immunology

Article 3: EAACI Activities

Article 3: EAACI Activities

EAACI may pursue all activities that directly or indirectly promote the purpose of the Academy. Moreover, it may manage real estate, use and sell services, licenses, patents and other intellectual property.
EAACI may also establish legal entities, branches and representative offices in and outside Switzerland.
All EAACI activities adhere to the general principles of transparency and fairness.

Article 4: Official language

Article 4: Official language

English shall be the official language of EAACI. The Constitution, bylaws, minutes, announcements, decisions and any other communication shall be published in English.

Article 5: EAACI Membership

Article 5: EAACI Membership


The membership of EAACI has two main categories, the members with and without voting rights.

Members with Voting Rights
EAACI has the following members with voting rights (in good standing – paid fees, with full legal rights, not suspended due to an official investigation conducted by EAACI bodies or by competent authorities):

  • Individual Regular Members: Individuals who are scientifically or clinically interested in allergy and/or clinical immunology qualify as Regular Individual EAACI Members.
  • EAACI membership in association with a National Society: following a mutual agreement between EAACI and the National Society where the National Society’s members in good standing can apply for EAACI membership at a reduced fee.
  • Junior Members defined by age (see bylaws) who are scientifically or clinically interested in allergy and/or clinical immunology qualify as Junior Members.
  • Honorary Members: Individuals who distinguished themselves in the field of allergy and clinical immunology or contributed substantially to the activities of EAACI, Past-Presidents and Award winners. They are appointed by the General Assembly following nomination by the Executive Committee.

Members without Voting Rights
National Societies of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, or other organisations interested in allergy and/or clinical immunology may qualify as members without voting rights.

Members of Societies without voting rights are not “ipso facto” individual members of EAACI but can become EAACI individual members with voting rights following the mutual agreement with the National Societies.


a) Regular
b) Members according to the agreement with National Societies
c) Junior Members

A formal application shall be sent to EAACI. Membership is granted by the Executive Committee by an absolute majority vote.
Honorary Members will be nominated according to Article 5A of this Constitution.

Member Societies
A formal application shall be sent to EAACI. Eligibility is checked by the Secretary General and if all criteria are met membership is granted by the Executive Committee by an absolute majority vote.


Membership term starts with the approval of the membership by the corresponding body and remains valid until the end of a calendar year.

Members shall pay annual fees. The amount of a membership fee shall be determined for each membership category by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee can, for special reasons, exempt members for paying membership fees or grant discounts.

Annual membership fees shall be paid in advance at the beginning of each calendar year according to the applicable regulations and procedures.

The first annual membership fee shall be paid immediately after the membership is granted.
Members who fail to pay dues for 3 consecutive years without good reason shall be excluded from the membership.

Membership can be reinstated after payment of past dues. Past dues are to be paid up to a maximum of 5 years backwards.


Membership expires upon termination notice by a member, the exclusion of a member by EAACI or by death. Upon termination, exclusion or death, the respective member immediately loses all rights in EAACI.

Notices of termination shall be submitted to EAACI. Membership fees remain due and payable for the year in which the member terminated his/her membership.

A member shall be excluded:

  • If he/she has not paid due membership fees for 3 consecutive years in spite of three reminders and the Executive Committee has passed a respective resolution; or
  • If he/she does not comply with the rules stipulated by the EAACI Constitution and bylaws and other legal regulations outside of EAACI and the Executive Committee has passed a respective resolution.

The Executive Committee and the General Assembly may decide to exclude a member for other important reasons as well.

Article 6: EAACI BODIES with decision power

Article 6: EAACI BODIES with decision power

EAACI has the following bodies with decision power:

  • General Assembly
  • Executive Committee
  • Board of Officers
  • External Auditor

Article 7: General Assembly

Article 7: General Assembly

Article 7A. Composition and Voting Rights

The General Assembly shall be composed of all members of EAACI, whether they have voting rights or not. Every member is entitled to receive an invitation to the General Assembly and to participate and speak in the General Assembly.

Only members with voting rights shall be entitled to vote and have each one single vote.

Article 7B. Competencies

The General Assembly is the supreme governing body of EAACI and shall have the following non-transferable competencies:

1. To adopt and change this Constitution;
2. To approve the members of the Executive Committee, except for the Past President;
3. To approve the report on activities and finances of EAACI;
4. To approve the budget of EAACI proposed by the Executive Committee;
5. To approve the Auditor;
6. To vote upon any item following a resolution of the Executive Committee, according to law, this Constitution or any other regulation;
7. To dissolve EAACI.

Article 7C. Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly

The Ordinary General Assembly shall take place annually during EAACI’s annual congresses upon call by the Secretary-General on behalf of the Executive Committee.

It shall not take place later than 15 months after the last Ordinary General Assembly.
An Extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened by the Executive Committee upon request by:

  • 2/3 majority of the members of Executive Committee; or
  • 1/5 of the members in good standing of EAACI (as defined elsewhere)

Article 7D. Convocation, Chair and Secretary, Agenda and Minutes

The General Assembly shall be convened by written invitation by the Secretary-General on behalf of the Executive Committee using mail, email, telefax or every other appropriate means of communication. The invitation shall inform about the date, time, location and agenda items.

For both the Ordinary and the Extraordinary General Assembly the invitation shall be sent 30 calendar days before the date of the General Assembly.

The President and the Secretary-General shall act as Chairman and Secretary of the General Assembly, respectively.

In the absence of the President and/or the Secretary-General they will be substituted by another Officer of EAACI appointed by the Board of Officers.

The Chairman provides the agenda for the General Assembly and shall appoint the vote counters for the duration of the General Assembly.

The Secretary of the General Assembly shall take the minutes of the General Assembly.

Article 7E. Resolutions

The General Assembly may only pass resolutions upon items that have been duly put on the agenda.

The General Assembly passes its resolutions by absolute majority of the present members. For some decisions another quorum, including a participation quorum, may be defined as proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Assembly.

Every resolution included in the agenda of an Ordinary or Extraordinary General Assembly may also be taken after the General Assembly by a vote in writing (postal or electronic vote).

A resolution will be taken by the members either in person or remotely (postal or electronic). A combination of some members voting in person and others remotely is not accepted.

The resolutions passed by the General Assembly shall be published on EAACI’s website in the member section.

Article 8 : Executive Committee

Article 8 : Executive Committee

Article 8A. Competencies

The Executive Committee is the executive governing body of EAACI. It is competent to resolve upon all issues of EAACI that are not expressly reserved to the General Assembly or another functional body by law, this Constitution or the bylaws.

The Executive Committee determines and grants the signatory powers for EAACI which shall be collective signing powers by three, with one being the President.

In the absence of the President, the Secretary General will act as deputy for collective signing powers by three.

Article 8B. Composition

The Executive Committee shall consist of

1. The President
2. The Secretary-General
3. The Treasurer
4. Vice-President Congresses
5. Vice-President Education & Specialty
6. Vice-President Communications
7. Vice-President Science
8. Past-President
9. Six Members at Large
10. Chairpersons of EAACI Sections
11. Chair of Junior Members Assembly
12. Two representatives of Interest and Working Groups

Article 8C. Election, Term of office and Re-election

The election process of the members of the Executive Committee is as follows:

1. The Executive Committee shall prepare by an absolute majority vote a slate of nominations, taking into account geographic and professional affiliations, previous experiences in EAACI, results of the elections in the Sections, Interest and Working Groups and Junior Members Assembly and shall present this to the General Assembly for approval. In the event that a slate of nominations is not approved, the Executive Committee shall propose an alternative slate for approval either at an Extraordinary General Assembly or by a secure ballot. In this event, an electronic or a postal ballot may be used, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

2. The President shall be elected by the Executive Committee by an absolute majority vote among the six eligible officers (the four Vice-Presidents, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer). The nomination requires the approval of the General Assembly one year before taking up the term as President. Once nominated and approved, the President- Elect shall continue to serve in its existing capacity in the Executive Committee until his/her term of office starts.

3. Members at Large: Any individual member or Member Society can propose a candidate for a Member at Large position. Proposals must be sent in writing or by e-mail to the Secretary-General at least one month before the relevant Executive Committee meeting. The Executive Committee will elect them by a absolute majority vote and will submit the nominations to the General Assembly for approval.

4. The President will become automatically Past-President in the following term of office.

5. The Chairpersons of the EAACI Sections and the Chair of the Junior Members Assembly will be elected by the respective Section or Assembly and approved by the General Assembly; they will be given a seat in the Executive Committee after approval by the General Assembly.

6. The Representatives of the Interest and Working Groups will be elected by the Executive Committee by an absolute majority vote and approved by the General Assembly. Submission of candidacies must be sent in writing or by e-mail to the Secretary General at least one month before the relevant Executive Committee meeting. Any board member of an Interest and Working Group is eligible.

The term of office shall start after the Ordinary General Assembly or as the case may be after an Extraordinary General Assembly and will finish at the Ordinary General Assembly in 2 years. No person may serve in the Executive Committee for a total of more than four consecutive terms and seven terms life-long unless they are elected as President.

The mandate will end in case of end of the term of the mandate, dismissal, resignation, civil incapacity, temporary custody or death. Dismissal follows a majority vote of two thirds of the Executive Committee members.

Vacancies on the Executive Committee due to resignation, termination, dismissal, death or other causes shall be filled temporary for the period until the next Ordinary General Assembly. Appointment is by absolute majority of the remaining members of the Executive Committee.

The President and Past-President are not re-eligible for the same post and for any other post in the Executive Committee.

Members at Large may be re-elected once to the same post. The Interest and Working Groups representatives and Section Chairs cannot be re-elected to the same post.

Article 8D. Remuneration

The post of a member of the Executive Committee is an honorary one and no remuneration shall be paid to any member. Each member of the Executive Committee is entitled to reimbursement of costs as described in the bylaws.

Article 8E. Convocation, Chair and Minutes

Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened by the President as often as the business requires, but at least twice a year.

The notice of any regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be dispatched in writing by mail, fax or email or any other communication form not less than 10 days prior to the date of the meeting.

In case of urgent matters an immediate Executive Committee meeting can be called upon by the President.

The convocation shall specify the form (either in person or remote), place, date and time of the meeting as well as the agenda.

Meetings may also be held by web, video or telephone conference.

The President and the Secretary-General shall act as Chairman and Secretary in the Executive Committee meetings. In the absence of the President, the Secretary-General shall act as Chairman and another member of the Board of Officers appointed by absolute majority of the present members of the Executive Committee will act as Secretary. In the absence of the Secretary-General, the members of the Executive Committee shall appoint a deputy among the Board of Officers by absolute majority.

If the President and the Secretary-General are both absent, the members of the Executive Committee shall appoint a Chairman and a Secretary among the members of the Board of Officers by absolute majority.

The minutes of the meeting shall be signed by the Chairman and the Secretary and approved by the Executive Committee with an absolute majority.

Article 8F. Passing of Resolutions and Quorum

The presence of 50% plus one of the Members of the Executive Committee is required for decisions of the Executive Committee (attendance quorum).

The Executive Committee passes its resolutions and elections by absolute majority of the present votes, unless stated otherwise by mandatory law, this Constitution or the bylaws.

An electronic or a postal ballot may be used, at the discretion of the Executive Committee.

A resolution will be taken by the members either in person or remotely (postal or electronic). A combination of some members voting in person and others remotely is not accepted.

Article 8G. Bylaws and Delegation of Powers

The Executive Committee shall enact detailed bylaws dealing with relevant activities of EAACI such as the composition and functions of subsidiary bodies such as Committees, Sections, Interest Groups, Working Groups and Task Forces which support the Executive Committee in its business, meeting organisations, editorial activities, etc.

The Executive Committee may enact bylaws or regulations by which certain competencies vested in the Executive Committee, the Board of Officers or an Officer of EAACI are delegated to individuals who do not have to be members of EAACI.

The Executive Committee may enact bylaws or regulations by which certain powers vested in the Executive Committee are delegated to the Board of Officers.

Article 9 : Board of Officers

Article 9 : Board of Officers

The President, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer, the Vice-Presidents and the Past-President constitute the Board of Officers aimed at conducting the day-to-day business of the Academy and all business delegated to the Board of Officers by the Executive Committee as described in the bylaws.

EAACI President
The President represents the Academy in all activities and at all meetings.

  • Leads the development of the mission statement and strategic programme.
  • Drives ownership and performance of EAACI’s culture and underlying values of trust, loyalty and mutual respect
  • Chairs the meetings of the General Assembly, the Executive Committee and the Board of Officers.
  • Is responsible for the convocation of the Executive Committee and Board of Officers meetings as well as of the General Assembly in cooperation with the Secretary-General.
  • Provides the agenda for the General Assembly and the Executive Committee meetings.
  • Calls for votes, either in person or per email.
  • Provides a yearly report to the General Assembly on EAACI’s main activities.
  • Is empowered as EAACI representative in the Swiss Commercial Registry.

The Secretary-General is responsible for the tasks assigned to him/her by the Executive Committee but in any case for the following:

  • Notifying all members of the date, place and agenda of the General Assembly.
  • Notifying the members of the Executive Committee and Board of Officers of the date and place of all meetings.
  • Making a yearly report to the General Assembly and periodic report to the Executive Committee of all relevant activities of EAACI.
  • Responsible for keeping a register over all members and overseeing membership issues.
  • Oversee cooperation with NAIS and sister societies
  • Keeping records of the Executive Committee, Board of Officers and General Assembly meetings.
  • Act as deputy chair of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee and Board of Officers in the absence of the President.
  • Oversees the delivery of the election process.
  • Delivers Constitution and bylaw revisions as required by law.
  • Oversees coordination among Executive Committee members, Sections, Interest and Working Groups.
  • Reports regularly to the Executive Committee and the Board of Officers and once per year to the General Assembly on EAACI’s relevant activities.
  • Is empowered as EAACI representative in the Swiss Commercial Registry.

The Treasurer is responsible for the tasks assigned to him/her by the Executive Committee but in any case for the following:

  • Oversees EAACI’s budgets, income and expenses.
  • Supervises the yearly budget submission process and reviews the final budget proposal for Board of Officer’s and Executive Committee’s approval.
  • Coordinates all sponsors relations.
  • Presents a yearly balance certified by professional auditors and makes a report to the General Assembly and presents regularly to the Executive Committee and the Board of Officers the financial status of EAACI.
  • Supervises and approves current expenses together with the President or his deputy.
  • Ensures clarity of procedures and compliance to manage financial risks in the organisation.
  • Is empowered as EAACI representative in the Swiss Commercial Registry.

The Vice-President Congresses is especially responsible for the creation, planning and implementation of the annual congresses and other EAACI meetings.

The Vice-President Education & Specialty is especially responsible for overseeing the educational and specialty activities of EAACI.

The Vice-President Communications is especially responsible for the creation and the implementation of the Academy communication and marketing strategy.

The Vice-President Science coordinates all scientific output of the Academy such as guidelines, consensus documents, position papers, Academy journals and guarantees standards of science throughout EAACI’s activity portfolio

All Vice-Presidents are empowered as EAACI representative in the Swiss Commercial Registry and report yearly to the General Assembly and regularly to the Executive Committee and the Board of Officers about their relevant activities.

Past President
The Past President holds an advisory role for the Executive Committee and Board of Officers, participates in the development of the mission statement and brings EAACI’s view into the strategic programme.

All Executive Committee members and all Committee Chairs (with the exception of Past Presidents)are eligible to the position of the Secretary-General, Treasurer, or one of the Vice Presidents. The Executive Committee will elect them by an absolute majority vote and will submit the nominations to the General Assembly for approval.
Their mandate is 2 years, renewable once.

The President and Past-President are not re-eligible for the same post and for any other post in the Board of Officers

Article 10 : Conflicts of Interest and Loyalty

Article 10 : Conflicts of Interest and Loyalty

A conflict of interest and loyalty exists if a member holding a function within EAACI (Executive Committee, other committees, section, IGs and WGs board members, Task Forces members) has personal, especially financial interests that are contrary to the interests of EAACI.

The Conflict of Interest and loyalty shall be regulated according to the bylaws.

Article 11 : Auditors

Article 11 : Auditors

a) The General Assembly shall appoint an Auditor for a term of office of one year. After expiry of the term the Auditor may be re-elected. Auditors may only be professional auditing firms that are absolutely independent of any EAACI-business. . The Auditor shall audit the accounts and examine the books and the financial statements of the Academy in accordance with applicable law. An extraordinary audit can be requested by 1/5 of the members of EAACI in good standing (as defined elsewhere) or by 2/3 of the Executive Committee members.

b) The Auditors’ report shall be submitted together with the balance sheet, the lost and profit statement by the Treasurer to the General Assembly for approval

c) As long as the Academy does not meet the criteria for a mandatory appointment of the Auditors pursuant to Article 69b SCC, the names of the Auditors will not be registered with the commercial register.

d) Should the Academy meet the criteria for mandatory auditing of its books pursuant to Article 69b SCC, the standards applicable shall be those prescribed by the relevant provisions of the Swiss law

Article 12 : Liability Supplementary Contributions

Article 12 : Liability Supplementary Contributions

The liability for EAACI’s obligations is limited to EAACI’s assets.
The members of EAACI shall not be obliged to make supplementary contributions for debts of EAACI.

Article 13 : Indemnity

Article 13 : Indemnity

EAACI shall indemnify any current and former members of the Executive Committee and subsidiary bodies, should these persons be involved in criminal, civil or administrative proceedings based on their actions for EAACI, provided that they have acted in good faith, in the interest of EAACI and in accordance with the applicable legal and statutory provisions.

Article 14 : Dissolution

Article 14 : Dissolution

The Association may be dissolved by a resolution of the General Assembly with a 2/3 majority of a predefined participation quorum according to Article 7E of this Constitution.

The Association will then be liquidated by its Executive Committee or by other liquidators appointed by the General Assembly. The General Assembly will designate another tax-exempt institution with similar purposes to which all net assets of the Association remaining after the payment of all debts shall be transferred. Any distribution of assets of the Association to its members is excluded.

Article 15 : Amendment of the Constitution

Article 15 : Amendment of the Constitution

The Constitution may be amended by an absolute majority vote of the General Assembly or by an absolute majority of those participating in a postal or electronic vote.

Proposals to change the Constitution shall be notified to the EAACI Members and be open to discussion at least two months before the General Assembly.


Article 1. Congresses

Article 1. Congresses

a) Assignment of EAACI Congresses
The location and the type (physical, hybrid, virtual) of EAACI Congresses will be assigned by the EAACI Executive Committee (ExCom). ExCom shall be responsible for assigning the next annual congress, ideally at least one year in advance.

For physical and hybrid meetings any member of the ExCom may suggest a candidate city.

The decision to hold an entirely virtual meeting depends on the current and foreseen conditions for organising physical meetings without a financial loss.

b) Denomination, Venue (for physical and hybrid meetings), Languages
The denomination of the Congress must be worded as follows: “European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Congress”, followed by the year the meeting is held. In case of virtual meeting this will be added as “EAACI Congress year virtual”

c) Site visits to candidate cities shall be made by a site visit team led by the VP-congresses or his agreed deputy. The VP-congresses shall present the information obtained at the site visit to the ExCom. This presentation should include a detailed and realistic description of the proposed Congress (venue, date, congress facilities, accommodation, transfers, financial plan, including local VAT regulations). The ExCom has to approve the site visit plan with a total yearly budget included into the Congress and Focused meeting budget.
The selected venue should be able to switch to an entirely virtual meeting at a minimum financial loss for EAACI.

The host city should be easily accessible and have adequate hotel and transportation facilities. The size of the venue and of the exhibition will be decided by the ExCom while deciding the type of the meeting.

The official language of EAACI congresses is English. All invitation materials and programs must be published in English. Satellite sessions in the local language are permissible and other languages as part of the EAACI partnerships and outreach programme.

d) The Administrative Congress Committee (ACC) works together with the Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) and the Executive Committee to prepare the annual congress. The ACC meets virtually as frequent as it is needed. The meeting is chaired by the VP Congresses. The discussion should include congress budget, logistics, number of site visits allowed, procedures for organizing them and Sponsors and should be guided by transparency principles.

The ACC is chaired by the VP Congresses, and consists of the EAACI President, President-Elect, Secretary General, VP Science, EAACI Treasurer, EAACI Past President, the ExCom Congress Group, HQ General Manager and Congress Manager, SPC chair(s), Knowledge Hub Editor-in-Chief, 1 local representative per NAIS member of EAACI – for physical and hybrid meetings. The ACC will liaise with the VP Communication and VP Education for areas which are in their direct responsibility, such as matters that involve publicity, membership, communication, CME credits.
The ACC is responsible for:

1. overseeing the budget and logistic for the Congress and reporting on this to the ExCom.
2. facilitating the implementation of the scientific programme as delivered by the SPC (lectures halls, interactive facilities, etc)
3. organising the exhibition
4. interaction with sponsors and FS under the supervision of the Treasurer
5. develoment in cooperation with VP communication of the marketing plan necessary for the success of the Congress
6. development of the first and second announcement and of the Final programme in cooperation with SPC and with the Communication team
7. organising the social events together with the LOC

e) Financial aspects of the Congress
The congress budget shall cover:
1. The costs for travel, “Flexible Economy Class” or equivalent, accommodation and registration of all elected members of the ExCom, allowing them to participate in all business, scientific and social activities (Opening and Closing Ceremony, Presidential Dinner) of the meeting.
2. The costs for travel Economy Class, accommodation and registration for all EAACI past-Presidents.
3. Facilities for meetings of the ExCom, General Assembly, other committees and scientific bodies of EAACI, in so far as these have been requested beforehand. Cost of BoO-ExCom pre-meetings are covered by ExCom budget.
4. A hospitality suite or room for the EAACI President. (meeting room max. 10-12 participants plus lounge area).
5. Up to a maximum of 10 complimentary registrations to persons nominated by the EAACI President where appropriate to be charged to relevant budget codes other than Congress.
6. Up to 120 travel grants for active junior members, 30 allergy college members and 30 for allied health members.
7. The benefits of speakers and chairpersons will be decided for each Congress by the ExCom
8. Other costs (ACC meetings, site visits) will be approved on a case-by-case basis by the ExCom. The registration fees are proposed by the ACC and should be approved by the ExCom. EAACI members (including EAACI-NAIS dual members or other member categories according to bylaw 5) are entitled to a reduction of the registration fee to be established by the ExCom.

f) Professional Congress Organizer
EAACI may appoint a Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) to organise EAACI Congresses. Relationships between EAACI and PCOs are regulated by a contract approved by the ExCom. The PCO interacts with the ACC, SPC and LOC. The PCO shall provide ExCom with six-monthly reports on the current status of the Congress.

g) Selection of congress suppliers follows the EAACI process based on at least 2 bids and prespecified criteria. This selection should be regularly reported to the ExCom by the VP Congresses and events.

h) Event insurance
The Congress and Focused Meetings shall be covered by insurance, if possible by the same provider.
In any case, a clear force majeure clause needs to be included in any contract with suppliers.

i) Crisis management/emergency plan
A crisis management/emergency plan needs to be put in place covering different crisis/emergency scenarios before and during the event (such as strikes, outbreak of communicable diseases, any other force majeure causes, fire, terrorist attacks, etc.). These guidelines will be put together by the HQ team of EAACI under supervision of the BoO and should guarantee timely and concise actions and a clear communication in case of potential incidents.

j) As a member of the Alliance for Biomedical Research in Europe EAACI fully adheres to its code of conduct between healthcare professionals and scientific organisations. Among other stipulations Healthcare professional and scientific organizations (HCOs) office holders, those who by virtue of the office they hold are representing their HCO should not be permitted in general to present, or to chair, satellite symposia and meetings sponsored by industry or interest groups. In some specific occasions, congress committees may grant an exception in the format of participation of a HCO office holder to maximum one event organized by industry.

Article 2. EAACI Editorial Activities

Article 2. EAACI Editorial Activities

a) “Allergy: The European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology”, “PAI – Pediatric Allergy & Immunology” and “CTA – Clinical and Translational Allergy” are the official journals of the European Academy, published by Wiley and either fully owned by EAACI (CTA) or jointly owned by Wiley and EAACI (Allergy and PAI). Online subscription to the journals is included in the annual membership fee. The relationship between EAACI and the publishing house of the journals is regulated by an agreement signed by three signatures, one of them being the EAACI President, on behalf of, and after approval by the EAACI Executive Committee.

b) In line with the current contract, the Academy and the Publisher are jointly responsible for establishing editorial policy, defining the aims and scope of the Journals, and for selecting the Journal’s editor(s) and editorial board to implement the editorial policies. Changes in editorial policy may only be made by mutual agreement between the Parties. The Editor-in-Chief term for all three EAACI journals will be four years, renewable once. Deputy Editors are elected after an official call for candidates aligned with criteria provided by Journal Editor-in-Chief and approved by ExCom. Their term is four years, renewable once. Associate editors are appointed by each Editor-in-Chief or the Publisher, who may consult with relevant bodies of EAACI in this process. The Publisher shall report to the Academy at least once per year on key publishing metrics related to the Journals.

c) EAACI publishes a Newsletter and/or a Newsfeed aimed at informing members about all the activities of the Academy and providing relevant scientific and professional information. The Newsletter/Newsfeed are publicly available on the EAACI website.

d) The Newsletter/Newsfeed is edited by an editor elected by the EAACI Executive Committee. The Newsletter/Newsfeed Editor holds office for two years and is re-eligible once to the same post.

e) The EAACI website is run by a Website Editor supported by the EAACI HQ marketing and communication team.

f) The Website Editor is elected by the EAACI Executive Committee, holds office for two years and is re-eligible once to the same post.

g) The Website Editor works closely with the EAACI HQ marketing and communication team. The Website Editor organizes the timely and effective presentation of information on the site, verifies its communication content and effectively applies EAACI communication policies.

h) Social Media channels of EAACI include EAACI’s Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest. They are coordinated by the EAACI social media editor with support from the marketing and communication team of the HQ.

i) The Social Media Editor is elected by the EAACI Executive Committee, holds office for two years and is re-eligible once to the same post.

j) The Social Media Editor works closely with the EAACI HQ marketing and communication team. The Social Media Editor organizes the timely and effective presentation of information on the Social Media channels, verifies its communication content and effectively applies EAACI communication policies.

k) The editorial activities are coordinated by the EAACI VP Science (journals), the VP Education, (Knowledge hub) and by the EAACI Vice President for Communication (website, Newsletter/Newsfeed and social media). The EAACI VPs Science, Education and Communication report on these activities every year to the General Assembly.

l) The Knowledge Hub is described under bylaw 15.

Article 3. EAACI Sections

Article 3. EAACI Sections

In order to strengthen the impact of EAACI on the main clinical specialties where allergy and clinical immunology plays an important role, EAACI decided to form its Sections. Sections will co-ordinate and represent the activities of all EAACI members who have expressed and wish to join a Section and will act both as a focus and contact platform for specialty-relevant Societies or non-members.

a) A Section should represent an area of interest for EAACI such as Basic and Clinical Immunology, Dermatology, Paediatrics, Pneumology, ENT, etc.

b) The establishment of a section is approved by the General Assembly, following a proposal from the EAACI Executive Committee. At present EAACI has the following sections: Asthma, Basic and Clinical Immunology, Dermatology, ENT, Paediatrics and Allied Health & Primary Care.

c) The purpose of the Sections is to encourage membership of EAACI from relevant areas, to refer to European and national societies of relevant areas, to promote an understanding of the importance of allergy as well as basic and clinical immunology within those societies, to advise the ExCom on matters of policy within the relevant areas, to advise the SPC on the development of relevant programmes, to promote Europe-wide co-operation in scientific and clinical research in the relevant areas, and to suggest task forces, scientific sessions and educational programmes within their areas.

d) Any EAACI Member can propose to the ExCom that a Section is formed, but the decision to form a Section is taken by the General Assembly following the proposal of the EAACI Executive Committee.

e) Membership of a Section is restricted to EAACI Members. An EAACI member can join with voting rights only one Section.

f) A Section is governed by a Board, which has seven members including Chair, Secretary and JM representative. The past Chair may support the Section Board during meetings but has no voting rights as to the formation of a new Board. The maximal duration of the Board membership is 3 terms for each specific section.The lifelong number of terms is limited to 3 terms life-long for each board.

g) The Section Board elects a Section Chair from amongst the Board Members. After election by the Section Board the Chair of a Section Board is proposed to the General Assembly as a voting member of the EAACI Executive Committee. A Section Chair serves only one term (two years). The Chair of any new Section proposed by the ExCom between Congresses will be an adjunct member of the ExCom until a formal election is made by the General Assembly. If the Chair of the Section is unable to attend an Executive Committee meeting, the Section Board may nominate an alternative, but without voting rights.

h) The Section Board elects a Section Secretary from amongst the Board Members. The Secretary holds office for two years and may be re-elected once to the same post, subject to the limit of six years on the Board. The Secretary of a Section is ex officio a member of the EAACI Scientific Programme Committee to represent the interests of the Section by proposing sessions on behalf of the Section to the SPC. If the Section Secretary is unable to attend a Scientific Programme Committee meeting, the Section Board may nominate an alternative.

i) The Section Chair is responsible for managing, organising and leading the Section meetings and activities. The Secretary of the Section works closely with the Section Chair and supports the Section Chair to achieve the Section goals. To this end, the Section Secretary is responsible for the logistics (e.g. helps to organize locations for the Section meetings, or TCs, takes minutes, etc)
Both Section Chair and Secretary are expected to:

  • Submit annual report and budget submission every September
  • Contribute substantially to the Section’s activities and Task Forces
  • Coordinate and encourage new Task Forces and projects to their Section Board
  • Responsible for TF reports are delivered according the deadline
  • Anticipate and train (Chair / Secretary) successors
  • Organise abstract evaluations within the Section
  • Initiate and participate in location process for Focused Meeting, Master Classes and Allergy Schools
  • Recruiting key opinion leaders in the field (for example as an advisory board) and to encourage them to become EAACI members
  • Ensuring enough candidates for the board elections
  • These will be the subject of evaluation of performance by the ExCom

j) Nomination of new candidates to the Section Board:
The nomination of the candidates to Section Board shall take place no later than two months prior to the annual congress and will be timely announced by the HQ by electronic post.
Any member of the Section is eligible to be nominated provided they are eligible and they have no COI or ethical issues; the nomination should be endorsed by two other members of the Section; nominees should provide detailed information of clinical & scientific background. Before proceeding to an election, nominations should be approved by the Election Committee* according to the specific SOP.
The CV and background information of candidates will be placed on the section website, and an e-mail sent to all members of the section will announce the opening of election process.
Voting will be done using the EAACI online voting system, with appropriate security.
The names of the successful candidates will be communicated to the section board and to all candidates once available, and then officially announced during the section business meeting at the annual congress.

k) The Section Board is elected by the Section members through electronic vote for the same period of 2 years and can be re-elected once in the same position.
No more than three of the Board members (including Secretary) can be re-elected for a second two-year period.
No person may remain as a Board member for a continuous period of more than 3 terms (including periods as Board member, Secretary and Chair). The lifelong number of terms is limited to 3 terms life-long for each board. Additional years, due to a decision to create a Section being taken at a Congress when the Executive Committee is not being elected, are not counted.
The JM representative is automatically included in the section board following the elections

l) Re-election of board members for a second term
Board members wishing to be re-elected for a second term do not have to be nominated again but have to be re-elected by the same election process as new candidates.

m) One additional member of the Section will be proposed by the relevant section and ExCom members and elected by the ExCom among candidates proposed according to the relevant contribution in the field (recommended >30 H-index (google scholar and/or web of science) and 2000 citations, lack of conflict of loyalty).

n) If there is a European society with a field of interest overlapping with the Section, it may be appropriate to include as adjunct member in the Section Board for a representative nominated by that society. If so, the Section should have a representative on the Board or Executive Committee of the society in question. This agreement should be stipulated as a MoU with the respective society. The nomination should be approved by the Section board.

0) Only 2 members from the same country are allowed in the Section Board.

p) Individual EAACI members can participate in business and scientific meetings of several Sections, but can only be members with voting rights or Board member of only one Section.

q) The Annual General Meeting of the Section Board should be held during the EAACI Congress. A suitable room will be offered at the cost of the congress. In between the annual EAACI congresses the Section Board members are expected to keep in communication by telephone/electronic means and should hold at least one additional Board Meeting (remote or in person) per calendar year.

r) The scientific activities of a Section should be channelled through the EAACI Science Committee. A Section can ask the Executive Committee to approve the establishment of a Task Force to work on a specific project for a given time. Each Section is encouraged to propose programmes for one or more Main Symposia at each EAACI Congress. The final decision on the congress programme rests with the EAACI Scientific Programme Committee which has the power to reject or modify the section’s proposal.

s) The EAACI Executive Committee should rely on the expertise of the Section in matters of interest to the Section.

t) The Section should rely on the EAACI Executive Committee for all matters of general interest to EAACI.

u) A budget should be granted to a Section for administrative expenses including mailing costs, telephone conferences and a Board meeting between EAACI annual congresses. A separate by-law (use of EAACI budgets) regulates how section budgets can be utilised.

v) In order to keep high scientific standards and ensure Europe- and worldwide co-operation in scientific and clinical research in the relevant areas, a scientific advisory board including by key opinion leaders in the area will provide advice and guidance to the section board. Recruitment of the scientific advisory board is the responsibility of the Chair together with the whole board. The componence of the Advisory board will be revised with each mandate of the board and will be notified to the Executive Committee, together with other section activities and projects.

* Election Committee consists of the President, Secretary General, Past-President, 1 Section Chair, 1 Member-at-Large and 1 past ExCom member.

Article 4. EAACI Interest Groups

Article 4. EAACI Interest Groups

In order to strengthen the impact of EAACI on matters related to allergy and clinical immunology, EAACI decided to form Interest Groups (IG). IG will co-ordinate and represent the activities of all EAACI members who have expressed and wish to join an IG and will act both as a focus and contact platform on a specific area.

a) An IG should represent areas of interest within allergy and clinical immunology that is beyond the scope of any one of the already existing EAACI Sections. The establishment of an IG is approved by the General Assembly, following a proposal of the EAACI Executive Committee (ExCom).

b) Any EAACI Member can propose that an IG is formed, but the decision is taken by the General Assembly following the proposal of the EAACI ExCom.

c) Membership of an IG is restricted to EAACI Members. An EAACI member can join more than one IG.

d) An IG is governed by a Board, which has seven members including Chair and Secretary.

e) The JM representative is automatically included in the Interest Group board as an additional member with voting rights, following the JM Assembly elections.

f) The Chair and Secretary of an IG are elected by the IG Board and appointed after approval by the EAACI ExCom, for one term (two years) coinciding with that of EAACI Officers.

g) The notifications for election of the board, Chair and Secretary are sent after verification of each phase, and announced officially during the General Assembly.

h) The Chair and Secretary of an IG may be re-appointed for a second period to either post, but may not hold office continuously (in either post) for more than four years. The lifelong number of terms is limited to 3 terms life-long for each board.

i) Nobody may be a Chair or Secretary of more than one IG. However, any EAACI member can participate in business and scientific meetings of several IG.

j) The IG Board is elected by the IG members through electronic vote for the same period of 2 years and can be re-elected once in the same position.

k) Nomination of new candidates to the IG Board:
IG Board shall take place no later than two months prior to the Annual Congress.
Any member of the IG is eligible to be nominated; nominees should provide detailed information of clinical & scientific background.
Before proceeding to an election, nominations should be approved by the existing Board according to the following guidelines: representation of IG spectrum of interests, academic curriculum and experience.

Only 2 members from one country are allowed in the IG Board.
The CV and background information of candidates will be placed on the EAACI website, and an e-mail sent to all members of the IG will announce the opening of election process.
Voting will be done using the EAACI website, with appropriate security/data protection.
The names of the successful candidates will be communicated to the EAACI ExCom, IG Board and to all candidates once available, and then officially announced during the Annual Congress.

l) Re-election of ordinary Board Members for a second term:
Board members wishing to be re-elected for a second term do not have to be nominated again but have to be re-elected by the same election process as new candidates

m) One additional member of the IG and WG board will be proposed by the relevant IG and WG and ExCom members and elected by the ExCom among candidates proposed according to the relevant contribution in the field (recommended >30 H-index (google scholar and/or web of science) and 2000 citations, lack of conflict of loyalty).

n) IGs are represented at the ExCom by IG/WG Representatives. The ExCom elect the IG/WG Representatives from the  outgoing IG/WG board members applying for that position. IG/WG Representatives are proposed to the General Assembly after elected by the EAACI ExCom, to serve on the ExCom with voting rights for one term (2 years) coinciding with that of EAACI Officers. The nomination of IG/WG Representatives for this office takes place during the ExCom meeting prior to the Annual Congress. Nominated IG/WG Representatives are expected to liaise with all IG/WG officers to communicate IG/WG issues to the ExCom.

0) Individual EAACI members can participate and vote in Business Meetings of several IG, but can only be Board members of one single IG.

p) The Annual Business Meeting of the IG should be held during the EAACI Congress. A suitable room will be offered at the cost of the congress. In between the annual EAACI congresses the IG Board members are expected to keep in communication by telephone/electronic means and should hold at least one Board Meeting.

q) An IG can ask the ExCom to approve the establishment of a Task Force to work on a specific project for a given time.

r) The scientific activities of an IG should be channelled through the EAACI Science Committee. Each IG is encouraged to propose programmes for one or more Main Symposia at each EAACI Congress. The final decision on the congress programme rests with the EAACI Scientific Programme Committee which has the power to reject or modify the section’s proposal.

s) The IG Chair is responsible for managing, organizing and leading the IG meetings and activities. The IG Secretary is responsible for helping the Chair and substitute the Chair on demand. IG Chair and Secretary are expected to:

  • Submit annual report and budget submission every September
  • Contribute substantially to the activities of IG and to the Task Forces
  • Hold regular TCs/webex e.g., all 6 weeks to keep the IG Board updated about the current status and new developments
  • Coordinate and encourage new Task Forces and projects to their IG Board
  • Trains (Chair/Secretary) successor
  • Organises abstract evaluations within the IG
  • Initiates and participates in location process for Focused Meeting, Master Classes and Allergy School
  • Recruiting key opinion leaders in the field (for example as an advisory board) and to encourage them to become EAACI members
  • Ensuring enough candidates for the board elections

t) The EAACI ExCom should rely on the expertise of the IG in matters of interest to the IG.

u) The IG should rely on the EAACI ExCom by their IGs Representatives for all matters of general interest to EAACI.

v) The IG should rely on the EAACI Headquarters for all administrative matters.

w) A budget should be granted to an IG for administrative expenses including mailing costs, telephone conferences and a Board meeting between EAACI annual congresses. A separate by-law (use of EAACI budgets) regulates how section budgets can be utilised

Article 5. Membership Categories

Article 5. Membership Categories

The EAACI Executive Committee sets the annual membership fees and makes arrangements for reduced subscription rates for different categories of membership. These are represented by:

  • Junior members
  • Allergy college members
  • National Allergy and Immunology Society (NAIS) dual members
  • International Society (IS) dual members
  • Platinum, Gold and Silver members
  • EAACI Fellows
  • Allied Health

a) Junior Membership shall be available to all those who are aged 40 years or less at the time of renewal of their subscription. Members wishing to obtain this concession shall provide proof of entitlement to the Executive Office upon request.

b) The benefits of Junior Membership shall be determined by the Executive Committee and publicised at Congresses, Joint Symposia, and other EAACI events, as well as on forms for enrolment and membership renewal.

c) The Junior Members Assembly (JMA) consists of all Junior Members who are in good standing. The JMA elects a Junior Members Committee (JMC), which will assist in the co-ordination of activities for Junior Members and will provide advice to the Executive Committee. For financial and administrative purposes, the JMA shall be treated as a Section and the JMC as a Section Board (see Article 3 e/f). Elections to membership of the JMC is arranged though the web. The chair of the JMC is ex officio a member of the ExCom with voting rights. The term of office is two years, renewable once (as per Section chairs, if aged 35 or less at the time of starting the second term).

d) Junior membership is free of charge and offers the same benefits as for the regular EAACI membership.

e) Allergy college EAACI members are medical students participating in the Allergy College programme willing to continue in EAACI until they finish their medical studies. Allergy college membership is free of charge and offers free access to all EAACI online resources.

f) NAIS EAACI dual membership follows an agreement between EAACI and the respective NAIS, that is a member of the EAACI NAIS Committee. NAIS dual members have to be in good standing as confirmed by the respective NAIS before they are granted by EAACI dual membership.

g) NAIS EAACI dual membership is for free the first year and at 30 EUR annually onward and offers the same benefits as for the regular EAACI membership.

f) IS EAACI dual membership follows an agreement between EAACI and the respective IS, that is a member of the EAACI IS Council. IS dual members have to be in good standing as confirmed by the respective IS before they are granted by EAACI dual membership.

g) IS EAACI dual membership is for free the first year and for 30 EUR annually onward and offers the same benefits as for the regular EAACI membership.

h) EAACI rewards its loyal members with the platinum (>30 years continuous membership), gold (>20 years continuous membership) and silver (>10 years continuous membership) membership categories. For Junior members the period starts when they start paying for their membership.
Members are granted with Membership cards indicating the level attained which are distributed together with a diploma when the respective level is reached. Also they will be distinguished with a ribbon during the congresses. The ExCom may decide to provide additional benefits such as discounts for membership fees and EAACI events.

i) EAACI honors its top science members by granting the EAACI Fellow category. EAACI Fellows are selected each year on the basis of previous research record (h-index) and outstanding contributions to the field of allergy and clinical immunology. The requirements are:

1) Be an active EAACI member (mandatory)

2) Currently or previously active in EAACI committees, interest groups, sections, guidelines and/or task forces (mandatory)

3) Qualifications *At least 2 out of 4 qualifications should apply:
a. Score: Scopus h-factor >45 and/or research gate score >45 with 98% based on publications**Younger members <45 years can qualify with lower h-factor when qualification b and/or c applies
b. Leading in large research consortia, i.e. ERC
c. First or senior author in breakthrough papers
d. Leading in clinical guidelines


Article 6. National Allergy and Immunology Societies Committee and the International Societies Council

Article 6. National Allergy and Immunology Societies Committee and the International Societies Council

In order to ensure collaboration with European and worldwide National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Societies and with other national societies with an interest in allergy and/or basic and/or clinical immunology, EAACI has developed the National Allergy and Immunology Societies (NAIS) Committee and the International Societies Council (ISC). The allocation to NAISC or ISC follows specific SOPs. More than one society/country can join the EAACI platform and all members have equal voting rights.

I. The NAIS Committee

a) The NAIS Committee is a collaborative platform that brings together European NAIS, the Chairperson of the International Societies Council and EAACI representatives (President, Secretary General, BoO and ExCom members, or Committee Chairs) in order to facilitate constant communication and improve joint efforts on various issues and activities.

b) Points of discussion in the NAIS Committee may be current issues coming from local situations in Europe or affecting EAACI activities such as National Allergy Programmes or Guidelines. The Committee’s members exchange on difficulties and opportunities in implementing guidelines and collaborate on the preparation of consensus documents, surveys, registries and other activities. They also join forces to disseminate public campaigns, lobby for better care and recognition of allergic diseases at the national and European levels and encourage the recognition of Allergy Specialty and continuous medical education at the national level.

c) The NAIS Committee consists of a Chair elected by the EAACI Executive Committee, two Secretaries elected via electronic vote by the Committee’s members, two representatives from each European NAIS/other society with an interest in allergy and/or basic immunology and/or clinical immunology, member of EAACI (one senior and one junior), the Chair of ISC and the EAACI Secretary General.

The NAIS Committee is constituted for a period of two years and its regular members can be re-elected once for a second mandate upon nomination by the respective NAIS/society. Each NAIS designates a representative for the Committee who will serve as primary communication partner in the planned intensified interaction between EAACI and NAIS. The representative should be able to attend all NAIS Committee meetings and tele-conferences (at least one every 3 months) and should be able to decide on behalf of the NAIS.

d) The official language for communications with the NAIS Committee members is English.

e) The NAIS Committee is coordinated by

  • a Chairperson elected by the EAACI Executive Committee
  • two Secretaries elected by the NAIS Committee’s members

f) Chairperson and Secretaries report to the EAACI President and Secretary General and collaborate closely with the EAACI HQ Membership Project Manager.

g) Chairperson and Secretaries start their mandate upon election (usually during the EAACI Congress), keep their office for two years, and are eligible for re-election to the same position once.

The Chairperson is invited to attend the EAACI Executive Committee Meeting held at the time of the EAACI Annual Congress, as an adjunct member (without voting rights).

The NAIS Committee Secretaries may deputize for the NAIS Committee Chair if the Chair is unable to attend the meeting.

The Chair and Secretaries of the NAIS Committee are responsible for organizing the Committee activities, regular communication and the annual BM, for initiating projects, for submitting the annual report to the ExCom and for the annual budget application.

h) Each NAIS representative:

  • is proposed by the NAIS/other national society (one representative per society)
  • is empowered by the NAIS board to communicate in the NAIS committee
  • must be able to understand and speak English
  • must reply to mails from EAACI
  • must be able to attend the NAIS Forum at EAACI Annual Congress or nominate a deputy

i) the NAISC will have its regular BM during the annual congress and regular communication via TC at least every 3 months. Additional meetings can be organised if necessary.

j) Working groups can be constituted within NAISC in order to deliver specific projects

k) NAIS members of the NAISC and EAACI (represented by the President and 2 members of the BoO, being one of them the Secretary General) can sign agreements on the NAIS-EAACI dual membership, NAIS-EAACI free membership, other activities such as translation of EAACI resources, implementation of the EAACI guidelines or participation in the EAACI registries, lobbying activities, etc.


In order to create a collaboration between junior member sections of different European National Allergy and Clinical Immunology Societies, and with other national societies with an interest in allergy and/or basic and/or clinical immunology, EAACI has developed the National Societies Junior Committee (NAIS-JM).

The NAIS-JM Committee is a platform that brings together European National Societies (NAIS) Junior Sections and EAACI representatives in order to facilitate constant communication  and improve the collaboration on various issues and activities, in support of the EAACI Junior Member  Assembly (JMA) Board and the EAACI National Societies Committee (NAISC).

1) The roles of the NAIS-JM Committee are:

– to build a network of JM representatives for each national society with the purpose of JM oriented promotion of national activities, research and education and JM-oriented lobbying and  advocacy for allergy and or basic/clinical immunology specialty in EU countries;

– To help translate EAACI documents (i.e. guidelines, position papers) into national languages and  disseminate such documents through the NAIS and EAACI JM networks;

– To help disseminate EAACI campaigns and other activities within the national networks;

– To actively support EAACI activities (i.e. participation to working groups, joint collaborations),  aligned with the JMA board’s initiatives, to prevent duplicity.

2) The NAIS-JM Committee consists of:

– a Chairperson, an EAACI Junior member and nominated NAIS-JM representative from any NAIS  society of less than 40 years of age at the time of the nomination, elected by the EAACI NAIS-JM  Committee via electronic/in-person vote by the Committee’s members, one vote per representative  from each European NAIS, and approved by the EAACI Executive Committee.

The Chairperson should have been previously part of the NAIS-JM Committee for at least one term (2  years) and participated actively in its activities before the nomination.

– a Secretary, an EAACI Junior member of less than 40 years of age at the time of the nomination,  selected among the EAACI JMA board members by the JMA Board Chairperson and approved by the  EAACI Executive Committee.

The NAIS-JM Secretary will promote the active collaboration between the NAIS-JM and JM Assembly,  ensuring the communication of the different activities that are carried out in both the JMA board and  NAIS-JM Committee.

– NAIS-JM Representatives, EAACI Junior member(s) of less than 40 years of age at the time of the  nomination, proposed by the NAIS/other national society (max one representative per society) and  elected according to the NAIS’s bylaws. More than one junior section of the same country can join the  EAACI NAIS-JM platform and all members have equal voting rights. NAIS-JM Representatives should  be able to understand and speak English. Upon nomination the NAIS JM Representative should inform the  NAIS-JM Chairperson and Secretary, and provide name and contact details within one week from the  nomination. If the NAIS decides to replace the NAIS-JM Representative before the end of the 2-year  term, they should inform the NAIS-JM Chairperson and Secretary about their decision. NAIS-JM  Representatives serve as primary communication partners on behalf of their respective NAIS junior  sections in the planned intensified interaction with EAACI.

– NAIS-JM Editor(s), EAACI Junior member(s) of less than 40 years of age at the time of the  nomination. Editor(s) could be either nominated NAIS-JM Representatives or junior members with  proven editorial skills (preferably with previous translation experience with the NAIS-JM Committee),  selected with open calls within the NAIS Societies/EAACI. Editor(s) who are not members of any  participating NAIS, or not nominated as NAIS-JM Representatives by participating NAIS, have no voting  rights and cannot be elected as NAIS-JM Committee Chairperson at the end of their term. NAIS-JM  Editors provide assistance in the translation activities of the Committee.

The NAIS-JM Committee is constituted for a period of two years (1 term).

Both the Chairperson and the Secretary start their mandate upon election (usually during the annual  EAACI Congress), keep their office for two years, and are eligible for re-election to the same position  once.

NAIS-JM Representatives can be re-elected once for a second term upon nomination by the  respective NAIS/society, proven that they are of less than 40 years of age at the time of the re-election. NAIS-JM Editor(s) can serve up to two terms, proven that they are of less than 40 years of age at the  time of the re-nomination, and proven their active contribution to the NAIS-JM Committee in their  previous term.

3) The official language used for communications with the NAIS-JM Committee members is English.

4) The NAIS-JM Committee is coordinated by:

  • a Chairperson, elected by the NAIS-JM Committee’s members
  • a Secretary, elected by the JMA Board

Roles of the NAIS-JM Chairperson:

– Organizing the Committee’s activities and the annual BM alongside the NAIS-JM Secretary.  – Ensure regular communication (i.e. mass e-mails, minutes) with NAIS-JM representatives  alongside the NAIS-JM Secretary.

– Submit the annual report to the NAISC chair, Secretary General and ExCom and the annual budget application alongside the NAIS JM Secretary.

– To liaise with the EAACI NAISC and JMA board in joint initiatives and offer support in  disseminating activities and campaigns of interest for NAIS-JM members alongside the NAIS JM Secretary.

– To be responsible for organizing the translation activities, to perform the revision of submitted  translated manuscript, to check for consistency with typesetting among translated documents  prior to submission, to check information provided with authors before submission to EAACI  HQ alongside the NAIS-JM Secretary.

– Regular reporting (minimum twice a year) to the NAISC Chairperson and the Secretary General of the activities carried out.

– The Chairperson can be invited to attend the EAACI Junior Member Assembly business  meetings as an adjunct member (without voting rights) for matters concerning the NAIS-JM  Committee and to offer reports on the progress of the activities made alongside the NAIS-JM  Secretary.

– The Chairperson can be invited to attend the National Societies Committee (NAISC)  business meetings as an adjunct member (without voting rights) for matters concerning the  NAIS-JM Committee and to offer reports on the progress of the activities made alongside the  NAIS-JM Secretary.

Roles of the NAIS-JM Secretary:

– To ensure the alignment of the NAIS-JM Committee and the JMA board activities and keep  regular communications between the NAIS-JM Committee and the JMA board.

– Organizing the Committee’s activities and the annual BM alongside the NAIS-JM Chairperson.

– To liaise with the EAACI NAISC and JMA board in joint initiatives and offer support in  disseminating activities and campaigns of interest for NAIS-JM members alongside the NAIS JM Chairperson.

– Ensure regular communication (i.e. mass e-mails, minutes) with NAIS-JM representatives  alongside the NAIS-JM Chairperson.

– To be responsible for organizing the translation activities, to offer support in the revision of  submitted translated manuscript and check information provided with authors before  submission to EAACI HQ alongside the NAIS-JM Chairperson.

– Submit the annual report to the NAISC chair, Secretary General and the ExCom and the annual budget application alongside the NAIS JM Chairperson.

– The Secretary should periodically report on the progress of the activities made by the NAIS-JM  Committee during the JMA board meetings.

– The Secretary can be invited to attend the National Societies Committee (NAISC)  business meetings as an adjunct member (without voting rights) for matters concerning the  NAIS-JM Committee and to offer reports on the progress of the activities made alongside the  NAIS-JM Chairperson.

– The Secretary may deputize for the NAIS JM Committee Chair if the Chair is unable to attend the  meeting(s).

5) The Committee is comprised of nominated representatives from participating NAIS and serve  specific functions within the Committee.

Roles of NAIS-JM representatives:

– Should be empowered by the NAIS’s Junior section/NAIS board to communicate in the NAIS JM Committee on the NAIS’s behalf

– Must acknowledge the receipt of mass communications targeted to the NAIS-JM  Representatives and reply to mails from EAACI, the NAIS-JM Chairperson and Secretary – Should abide by the deadlines set by the NAIS-JM Chairperson/Secretary for specific  actions/activities. If unable to respect set deadlines, the NAIS-JM Representative should inform  the NAIS-JM Chairperson or Secretary and motivate the reason.

– Must be able to attend the NAIS-JM online business meetings and the annual meeting at the  EAACI Annual Congress or nominate a deputy (without voting rights).

– Should periodically report to the junior section of the NAIS and/or the NAIS Chairperson the activities undertaken in collaboration with the NAIS-JM Committee.

– Should actively cooperate with the NAIS and EAACI in the dissemination and promotion of  content aimed at juniors.

– Should actively cooperate in the translation of EAACI papers. If the NAIS junior section decides  to opt-out to this initiative, they should inform the NAIS-JM Chairperson and Secretary. – Can be nominated for the NAIS-JM Chairperson position after serving at least one term (2  years) as NAIS-JM Representative for a participating NAIS.

5) Due to the nature of the translation work, the NAIS-JM Committee requires specific editorial skills  that warrant the institution of the supporting figure of the NAIS-JM Editor(s).

Roles of the NAIS-JM Editor(s):

– To support Chair, Secretary and NAIS-JM representatives in the organization of translation  activities

– Attend the annual business meeting held during the annual EAACI Congress and NAIS-JM online meetings.

Specific skills required for this position are:

– Be able to prepare manuscripts to be translated (i.e. converting documents from pdf to word,  figure and table editing, typesetting, perform on-demand machine-assisted translation,  inclusion of front/last page NAIS-JM banners).

– Revise submitted translated manuscript, check for consistency with typesetting among  translated documents, check information provided with authors before submission to HQ  alongside the Chairperson and Secretary.

6) NAIS-JM activities include:

– Translation and typesetting of EAACI documents, aligned to EAACI and NAIS needs.  Translation of documents will be carried out by translation groups coordinated by the NAIS-JM Representative(s) for each country, with the possibility to issue open calls to juniors of the NAIS and EAACI junior members of specific countries, if needed. At least one Senior member of the NAIS will review the translated content prior to the submission to the NAIS-JM Chairperson/Secretary. Translations not reviewed by a NAIS Senior will not be accepted. Final typesetting will be carried out by the NAIS-JM Chairperson, with the support of the NAIS-JM Secretary and NAIS-JM Editor(s). Once ready, the translated documents will be submitted to and reviewed by the EAACI Scientific Content Officer, VP of Communication and VP of Science for pre-approval. Formal permission to publish translated EAACI documents will be asked to original manuscript author(s), the Editorial Board of EAACI Knowledge Hub and EAACI Executive Committee prior to the upload to the Knwoledge Hub by the EAACI Scientific Content Officer. The NAIS should ask permission for distribution and printing of translated guidelines by filing a formal request form. Printing of translated documents is permitted only in NAIS official journals, and distribution in electronic/printed format is allowed only after EAACI Executive Committee’s approval. The need for professional translation support could be requested only if prior open calls for junior translators have failed to find suitable candidates. The requesting NAIS should motivate the need for professional translation to the NAIS-JM Chairperson, NAISC Chairperson and Secretary General, along with proof of open calls for NAIS/EAACI junior members issued at least 6 months prior to the request. Only certified professionals can be eligible for compensation and the cost for the translations should be evenly split among the requesting NAIS and EAACI. The NAIS-JM Committee could also decide to fund professionals to translate key documents in languages not represented in the Committee, or for which no junior help is available after at least 6 months of issuing open NAIS/EAACI calls.

– Annual business meetings held during the annual congress

– Regular communication via TC at least every 4 months. Additional meetings can be organised  if necessary

– Working groups that can be constituted within the NAIS-JM Committee in order to deliver  specific projects.

III. The International Societies Council

The major purpose of the International Societies Council is to discuss educational and quality care aspects for allergy, asthma and clinical immunology management worldwide.

a) The ISC includes representatives of EAACI Non-European Societies (one representative per country).

b) The International Society Council is governed by a Chairperson and two Secretaries, both nominated by the ExCom.

Both the Chairperson and Secretaries start their mandate upon election (usually on the occasion of EAACI Congress), keep their office for 4 years, and are eligible for re-nomination once.

The Chairperson of the International Societies Council is a member of the NAIS Committee.

c) The Chairperson and Secretaries of the ISC are responsible for organizing the Committee activities, regular communication and the annual BM, for initiating projects, for submitting the annual report to the ExCom and for the annual budget application.

d) the ISC will have its regular BM during the annual congress and regular communication via TC at least every 3 months.

Article 7. EAACI Committees

Article 7. EAACI Committees

Committees are bodies instituted by the EAACI Executive Committee (ExCom) to deal with specific aspects of the Academy’s work.

Unless otherwise specified below for the individual Committees, the following general rules shall apply to the Committees:

Committees are generally coordinated by the Chairperson assisted by a Secretary. The Chairperson is elected by the ExCom upon an open call, while the Secretary is elected by the Chairperson and the committee’s members who are in turn elected by the ExCom upon an open call.

The Chairperson is responsible for the coordination of the Committee, with the assistance of the Secretary and of the other Committee’ members, for organising the Committee meetings and for overseeing the Committee budget. The Secretary will provide the minutes and will support the Chairperson in all activities.

The mandate of the Chairperson, Secretary and Committee members will start immediately after their election, they keep their office for two years, and are eligible once for re-election to the same post.

The chairperson of each EAACI Committee is invited to attend the ExCom Meeting held at the time of the annual congress to present their report, without voting rights. Committee Secretaries may deputize for the Committee chairs if the chair is unable to attend an ExCom meeting. Additional calls of the Committee chairs to the ExCom meetings can happen at any time if required.

EAACI may supply funds for Committee meetings or other Committee activities according to the budget application rules.

All EAACI Committees shall report to the EAACI Executive Committee any time requested by the ExCom but at least once a year.

The Chair, Secretary or any other Committee member is expected to sign the EAACI confidentiality agreement and to declare relevant interests (Declaration Form) and to act in the best interests of EAACI at all times.

The specific rules for each Committee are outlined below:

a) EAACI Scientific Programme Committee

The Scientific Programme Committee (SPC) is a body of the EAACI aimed at ensuring high scientific standards, continuity and harmonisation at EAACI congresses.

The SPC consists of two SPC Chairs, President, Secretary General, Vice President for Congresses, Vice President Science, Vice President Education, Past President, the secretaries of the EAACI sections, the chairperson of the EAACI IGs and WGs, and the Patients Organization Committee Chair.

The work of the SPC is organized and coordinated by the SPC Chairs that should preferably have a complementary profile (clinical and basic science).

Specific Tasks and Procedures

The SPC is responsible for the scientific aspects of the Annual Congress in alignment with the EAACI strategic objectives:

  • Collating proposals from the membership and the various scientific bodies within EAACI to form a scientific programme.
  • Making sure that the scientific programme preferably prioritizes the EAACI scientific outputs (Guidelines, position papers, EAACI journals etc) and the EAACI family initiatives, while ensuring the turnover of speakers and a balance towards the members’ needs.
  • Managing the receipt, revision selection and organization of the abstracts of posters and free communications.
  • Editing and printing/publishing Congress announcements and publication of abstract (all EAACI programs and events-related material must be published in English)
  • Interacting with the founder sponsors and other sponsors in terms of any request in programme related matters

The SPC will give support to scientific programme of the Focused Meetings.

b) Specialty and CME Committee

The Committee consists of two co-Chairs (Specialty and CME), Secretary, and four additional members. The President, Past-President, Secretary General, VP Education and Specialty and the VP Science are automatically members of the Specialty and CME Committee.

Specific Tasks and Procedures

The Specialty and CME Committee aims at:

  • Co-ordinating activities in Europe in the areas of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in allergy and clinical immunology.
  • Periodically updating the training curricula in Allergy and Clinical Immunology together with the Tailored Education Committee.
  • Regularly evaluating the Allergy and Clinical Immunology training centers across Europe.
  • Dealing with other relevant problems of the specialty, including recognition of the specialty, free circulation of specialists within Europe, relationship of allergology and clinical immunology with other specialties.
  • Networking with regulatory bodies, UEMS, National Societies, etc.

c) Governance Committee

The Governance Committee is a body instituted by the EAACI Executive Committee (ExCom) to deal with the Academy’s specific governance requirements such as periodic revision and update of Constitution and Bylaws, organigram of the Association (Sections, IGs and WGs), etc.

The Governance Committee is composed of the President, President Elect, Secretary General, Treasurer, Past President, JM Assembly Chair, the IG/WG Representatives in the ExCom, one current Section Chair, one current MaL, one past BoO member, one past ExCom member and Ethics Committee Chair. The Governance Committee is coordinated by the EAACI President who acts as Committee Chair and provides the schedule of the Committee meetings and the agenda. The Secretary General acts as Secretary and will provide the minutes and will support the Chairperson in all activities. The Chairperson and the Secretary are responsible for the coordination of Committees activities and output and for overseeing the Committee budget.

The President, Secretary General, Treasurer, Past President, JM Assembly Chair, the IG/WG Representatives in the ExCom and Ethics Committee Chair are automatically included in the Governance Committee. The other members are elected by the ExCom among all candidates meeting eligibility criteria. All Committee members serve a 2 years mandate.

EAACI supplies funds for the Governance Committee meetings or other Committee activities according to the budget application rules.

The Committee meets as required but at least once per year. The meetings can be either face-to-face or remote. The quorum for a valid meeting is by absolute majority. The Governance Committee shall report to the EAACI ExCom any time requested by the ExCom but at least once a year.

Specific Tasks and Procedures

Governance Committee will:

  • Periodically review and update the EAACI specific governance requirements such as Constitution and Bylaws, organigram and structure of the Association (Sections, IGs and WGs), etc
  • Analyse all requests from the ExCom, Sections, IGs, WGs, Committees or other EAACI structures related to the EAACI Governance process. The request has to be submitted in writing to the Secretary General.
  • The Governance Committee passes its resolutions by simple majority and submits proposal for further approval to the ExCom.

d) Election Committee

The Election Committee is a body instituted by the EAACI Executive Committee (ExCom) to deal with the Academy’s specific requirements for the election process in all EAACI structures, with the exception of the General Assembly.

The Election Committee is composed of six members, three of which are automatically updated by election and three of which are elected by the ExCom among all candidates meeting eligibility criteria. All Committee members serve a 2-years mandate.


  • Automatic election: President, Secretary General and Past-President
  • ExCom election: 1 Section Chair, 1 Member-at-Large, 1 past ExCom member (to provide the historical perspective)

The Election Committee is coordinated by the EAACI President who acts as Committee Chair and provides the schedule of the Committee meetings and the agenda. The Secretary General acts as Secretary and will provide the minutes and will support the Chairperson in all activities.

The Chairperson and the Secretary are responsible for the formation of the Committee, coordination of Committee’s activities and output and for overseeing the Committee budget.

Specific Tasks and Procedures

  • Election Committee will analyse for eligibility all submissions of the candidates for elections within EAACI in terms of declaration of interest, possible conflict of interest and/or loyalty and compliance with the EAACI Governance rules (previous assignments, number of mandates, Country, etc.). In cases of doubt the candidate can be required for and has the right to provide further clarifications. The Committee checks the correctness of the election process and validates the election procedure and the outcome.
  • The Election Committee may be involved upon decision of the ExCom in any appeal put forward by an individual member without affecting the initiation of the mandate of the elected individuals.
  • The Election Committee acts via individual input from each member. In case of major disagreement between the opinions of the Committee members the issue will be brought for decision to the ExCom.
  • The Election Committee works remotely via emails and/or TCs.

The Election Committee shall report to the EAACI Executive Committee any time requested by the ExCom but at least once a year.

e) Ethics Committee

I. Mission and specific activities

a) Mission of the EC

The Ethics Committee (EC) is a body of EAACI aimed at ensuring high ethical standards in all areas of EAACI activity and beyond as the European reference structure in the field of ethics in allergy and clinical immunology for training and good practice, research and management of allergic diseases, patient information, patient care, and public health issues concerning the field of allergy and clinical immunology. The EC is independent in its investigations and recommendations. The EC works as an advisory body of the ExCom. The ExCom makes the final decision.

b) Specific activities within EAACI

i.EC periodically reviews and updates the Code of Ethics, recommending any amendments for the approval of the ExCom.

ii.EC is the relevant committee to manage ethical affairs linked to conflicts of interest and loyalty, CME and all the scientific output of the Academy. It is the ExCom’s responsibility to review, approve and publish the EC opinions and position statements.

iii. EC develops and implements educational programmes on medical ethics for EAACI members upon appointment and approval of the ExCom.

iv. EC responds to specific issues raised by the ExCom under the Constitution, bylaws and Code of Ethics. The EC is obliged to consider each case referred to it as described below (under point III.A of these bylaws). The EC issues a recommendation to the ExCom that shall decide on any appropriate action. The ExCom has always the last decision on the respective case.

c) Activities of interest outside EAACI:

i.Patient rights including patient education and healthcare professional rights;

ii.Evidence-based allergy knowledge including allergy training, Continuous Medical Education (CME), Continuous Plan of Personal Development (CPD), Scientific research (human material and population, animal);

iii. Any activity under the allergy public health domain, industry cooperation.

II. Administrative procedures of EC

The EC consist of up to ten members:

A. The Chair

  • Is the principal administrative officer responsible for calling meetings of the EC and for implementing the Code of Ethics in compliance with the Constitution, Bylaws and other regulatory documents.
  • Is elected by the ExCom following an open call .

B. The Committee

– The EC team will be elected by the ExCom upon an open call with the following recommended composition: four EAACI members, four non EAACI Members and a Patient Representative who may be an EAACI Member or a non EAACI Member. The EC composition should be balanced by gender, practice, education, research and other endeavours within the fields of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. It is strongly recommended to include people specialised and involved in Bioethics, Legislation, Patient association, Human sciences (Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Public Health, etc.).

– The EC shall appoint one of its members to serve as the Committee’s Secretary. The Secretary shall act in the place of the Chair when the Chair is unable to serve.

C. Meetings and resolutions
Reports of the EC approved for release by the ExCom and checked to be in accordance with data protection regulations should be available to all EAACI members provided that confidentiality and personal rights of individuals are respected.

The meetings of EC shall be called upon by the Chair at least 14 days in advance by written or electronic notice to Committee members. The ExCom will also be notified. The notice shall include the agenda for the meeting.

Half plus one appointed EC members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business at the EC meeting.

Voting resolutions shall be taken by 2/3 majority of those present at a meeting, or by voting by mail or electronic. Mail or electronic voting without a meeting is permitted when all Committee members submit votes. Dissenting opinion are possible to be submitted to the ExCom.

All EC resolutions will be submitted to the ExCom who will take the final decision.EAACI shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend completely all EC members against liability arising from EC-related activities.

D. In the temporary absence of an ethics committee an interim “EC advisory board” elected by ExCom will take over urgent business until a new EC will be elected. The interim period is maximum six months.

III. Committee activities

A. The Ethics Committee may be asked by the ExCom to:

1. Prepare policy proposals and statements on areas of general interest within the field of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
2. Prepare policy proposals in relation to the ethical standards and practice expected of members of the ExCom and of EAACI members.
3. Provide advisory opinion interpreting any provision of the Code of Ethics.
4. Investigate the behavior of individual EAACI members and report to the ExCom on whether the member in question has breached ethical standards. The EC shall conduct the investigation into specific facts or circumstances in order to clarify, expand or corroborate the information provided by the ExCom. All these kind of investigation will require confidence, confidentiality, objectivity and respect without any indication of prejudgment.

Specific procedures for the EC investigation

Step 1: Submission
Submissions are made to the ExCom in a written and signed form.
The submission will be discussed in the ExCom and if approved it will be transferred to the EC chair.

Step 2: Investigation
– As soon as the Chair has received the request from the ExCom he/she will introduce the submission to the whole EC group within a week (7 days)
– EC will decide and notify the ExCom within 30 days after information from the Chair if the investigation is initiated.
– The member who is the subject of the investigation shall be informed by a letter within two weeks (14 days) after ExCom is informed about the start of the investigation by the EC describing the nature of the challenge, the request to cooperate, the opportunity to have a hearing
– Hearing an inquiry: If the EC considers that it is relevant or if it is demanded by the person investigated, a private hearing can be organized (could be made public on demand of the investigated person). The concerned member and other people (victim(s), witnesses etc.) invited to plead, will be informed a minimum of 14 days before the hearing. They may be assisted or represented by a legal counsel at their own expense. They shall inform the EC if they will be supported by a legal counsel. The hearing shall be conducted by the EC, and  a transcript or audio recording will be performed and an official record made as part of the investigation.
– The investigation will be completed within 3 months maximum after the ExCom was informed by the EC about the start of the investigation. If any delay is necessary, the EC chair will inform the ExCom and will send a request for good reasons to obtain an extension of 3 months, approved by the ExCom. Only one extension of 3 months shall be granted. The period can be modified by the ExCom.

Step 3: Resolution

  • Upon completion of an investigation the EC shall develop a resolution by 2/3 majority which shall be communicated to the ExCom.
  • The ExCom will evaluate the resolution of the EC and elaborate the decision. In cases of doubt, the ExCom can request the EC to resume and revise the investigation.
  • The decision on the matter is taken by the ExCom with any resultant action being the responsibility of the ExCom.
  • After receipt of notice of the ExCom decision the affected Member or Society may submit to the ExCom in writing a request for an appeal.

B. Initiatives from the Ethics Committee

May propose topics for the development of EAACI policy but requires the permission of the ExCom to initiate discussions and the development of policy proposals.
May propose changes to the Bylaws that govern its function but such changes must be approved by the ExCom before they come into force.

EAACI supplies funds for the Ethics Committee meetings or other Committee activities according to the budget application rules.

f) Science Committee

The Science Committee coordinates the EAACI Task Forces and Guidelines in order to ensure alignment with EAACI strategic objectives, annual scientific agenda, EAACI policy for disclosing conflict of interest and loyalty while ensuring synergy in all EAACI Task Forces and Guidelines avoiding overlap and making the best use of available resources. The committee will also ensure timely delivery of the outcomes of the Task Forces and Guidelines on the proper use of the budget allocated.

The Science committee is coordinated by a Chair and two secretaries elected by the ExCom following an open call based on their profile demonstrating expertise in Allergy and Clinical Immunology scientific research. The EAACI VP Science, the President, Secretary General and the Treasurer are automatically members of the Committee.

Specific Tasks and Procedures

  • Regular evaluation of the Task Forces and Guidelines progress and budget utilisation.
  • Provision of an annual map of EAACI priorities for newly created Task Forces and Guidelines.
  • Annual report of the activities to the VP Science and the rest of EAACI leadership including the POC Chair.

g) Exam Committee

The Exam Committee is the main promoter of bringing relevant knowledge and progress into the training and education of allergists in Europe. The exam committee includes a Chair, a Secretary and one representative of EAACI Sections, Interest Groups and Working Groups. The VP Education, the KH Editor and the Specialty and CME Committee Chairs are automatically members of the Exam Committee.

Specific Tasks and Procedures

  • To prepare, organise and analyse the annual EAACI Knowledge Test. This written MCQ-based test covers all relevant areas of clinical allergy and immunology and related basic immunology aspects according to UEMS European standards of medical training in allergology.
  • To recruit and create of new, fair, relevant and selective questions to feed the question pool and to select a well-balanced mixture for the exam, which is created annually. New questions from EAACI Sections, Interest Groups and Working Groups as well as from new position papers and guidelines are constantly gathered, analysed and integrated into the exam and suitable literature shall be provided for those preparing for the exam.

h) Scientific Communication Committee

The EAACI produces a broad portfolio of scientific content, position papers, guidelines and other formats for its members and the community. The adequate distribution of these contents has always been an essential aim of EAACI.

The Scientific Communications Committee works on the optimal communication of scientific content created within the academy via the corporate and patient websites, social media channels and the EAACI Review.

The Scientific Communication Committee includes a Chair and the Secretary elected by the ExCom following an open call, Journal Editors-in-chief, Knowledge Hub editors, Website editors, Social media editor, EAACI review editor, Secretary General, VP Communication, VP Congresses, VP Education, ROC Chair, Junior member Chair, NAIS Chair, ISC Chair, POC Chair and Science Committee Chair.

Specific Tasks and Procedures

  • Delivery together with the VP Comunication, VP Science and Secretary General of an annual dissemination plan for the EAACI Scientific output.
  • Keep regular contact with all the EAACI bodies collecting information to be disseminated
  • Create and implement efficient communication tools

i) Patient Organisation Committee

The EAACI Patients Organisation Committee aims to be the Patients reference body in the field of Allergology, representing patients of all nationalities and promoting patient-centred healthcare in the specialty. The Patients Organisation Committee has a Chair elected by the ExCom following an open call and one representative from each of the patients organizations affiliated to EAACI.

Specific Tasks and Procedures

  • The committee aims to build cross-sector alliances and working collaboratively with EAACI members (like-minded medical and health professionals, academics, and researchers), policy makers, and industry representatives.
  • The EAACI Patients Organisation Committee is driven by its members which are patient support organizations working at the local, national, regional and international levels.
  • The EAACI Patients Organisation Committee can be requested to be actively involved in strategic decisions.

j) Methodology Committee

The EAACI methodology Committee aims to ensure that all EAACI recommendations in the format of Guidelines, position papers and consensus documents follow the international methodological standards and not reach contradictory statements. The EAACI methodology Committee includes a Chair, Secretary and four board members elected by the ExCom following an open call based on their methodological skills.

Specific Tasks and Procedures

  • Integrate EAACI recommendations with international standards
  • Build networks and collaborations supporting EAACI in developing recommendations
  • Supports EAACI real world evidence platforms such as disease registries.
  • Elaborates the methodology for EAACI recommendations.
  • Reviews all the EAACI recommendations for quality criteria and for alignment with the EAACI strategic objectives.
  • Ensures the development and maintenance of the inhouse methodology resources supporting EAACI members in developing recommendations.

k) Quality Committee

The EAACI Quality Committee aims to ensure that all EAACI organizational processes and outcomes follow the standards quality criteria and not reach contradictory statements. The EAACI Quality Committee includes two Chairs, one Secretary and four Board Members nominated by the ExCom following an open call based on their quality management skills.

Specific Tasks and Procedures

  • Integrates EAACI processes with international quality standards
  • Supports HQ organizational process and procedures
  • Supports EAACI HQ in accreditation and evaluation process
  • Support EAACI bodies in accreditation and evaluation process

l) Tailored Education Committee

Aims of the Tailored Education Committee are to analyse the educational needs of EAACI members, non-members and patients and to ensure that recommendations are formulate in an efficient manner in order to promote education and training opportunities under ExCom mandate. The EAACI Tailored Education Committee includes one Chair, one Secretary and four board members nominated by the ExCom following an open call based on their educational skills.

Specific Tasks and Procedures

  • Identify educational needs
  • Develop tailored materials and courses for educational programmes
  • Apply innovative learning approaches
  • Facilitate broad access to these educational offers
  • Foster and contribute to the harmonization of educational standards in Allergy and Asthma and Clinical Immunology across Europe.
  • Periodical update of the training curricula in Allergy and Clinical Immunology together with the CME and Specialty Committee.

m) Advisory Committee

The EAACI Advisory Committee is an honorary committee whose aim is to provide advice (on demand) for any relevant issue upon the EAACI President’s request. The committee is comprised of EAACI past presidents, excluding the immediate past president. The committee includes equal members without a chair and secretary position and all members shall have the same rank which cannot be changed by the committee itself.

Specific notes, Tasks and Procedures

  • The Advisory Committee can organise their meeting only upon the President’s request.
  • Can provide on demand advice to any relevant issue upon EAACI President’s request.
  • Attendance of the ExCom/BoO meetings (without voting rights) is upon EAACI President’s invitation only.
  • Attendance to the president-elect strategic meeting upon EAACI President’s Elect invitation only.
  • The advice provided by the Advisory Committee is not binding and would be considered as a recommendation directed only to the President.

Article 8. Use of EAACI Budgets

Article 8. Use of EAACI Budgets

Principles regarding the use of EAACI budgets related to ExCom, BoO, Sections, Interest groups, Working Groups, Task forces and Committees.

EAACI has in the last years developed a comprehensive budgeting procedures for all of its activities.

The aim of this document is to set up the rules how the EAACI funds can be used,

a) Expenses covered by EAACI include:

1. Travel expenses to meetings outside the EAACI annual congress or focused meetings or other EAACI events that are directly related to the activity (business meetings section/IG/WG board, task force meetings). All travel must be in economy class, except under special circumstances approved by the President or the Treasurer in writing. Travel arrangements should be made as early as possible, at least 2 weeks in advance. Any meeting covered by an EAACI budget should be held in Europe. Exceptions must be approved by the BoO and reported to the ExCom.

2. EAACI activity related meeting expenses (meeting rooms, hotel costs, meals, transfers). These must be reasonable in relation to the cost level of the city/country where the meeting is held and compliant with the EAACI rules as a non-profit organisation.

3. Expenses directly related to production or publication of an EAACI supported document, developed by a Section, Interest Group or Task Force.

4. Specific and limited consultation fees required for a specific task. Such expenses could for example include professional language checks, statistical analysis by a professional statistician, the use of questionnaires, legal advice, or some other highly specified cost. Such expenses must be checked and approved by the Treasurer and the Executive Director.

5. Remote meetings It is recommended that internet based conference calls are used whenever possible.

6. One day registration to an EAACI and non-EAACI meetings where an official meeting of an EAACI group takes place can be reimbursed depending on the overall budget spent for that meeting and upon written approval from the President or the Treasurer

b) Expenses that should NOT be covered by EAACI budgets:

1. Expenses for phone calls, mobile phone calls.

2. Expenses for meetings that have not produced minutes (all minutes and meeting reports must be delivered to the EAACI HQ within one month following the meeting).

3. Expenses for informal meetings (without an official convocation and agenda) between individual.

4. Investments such as computers or any other office equipment cannot be covered by the budget allocated to that particular group.

5. Budgets cannot be paid out to personal accounts, except to cover direct expenses initially paid by the member, upon delivery and approval of a receipt.

6. No honoraria are paid out to any member for any EAACI activity, with very few exceptions (journal/website/social media/NL Editors) decided specifically by the Executive Committee.

7. EAACI budgets designated to a specific activity cannot generally be used to cover external secretarial expenses. There may be exceptions for this for typing out of minutes, meeting reports and other documents by department secretaries, if previously approved by the BoO. The total time spent by a department secretary for any such document shall be specified in a pro forma invoice. No overhead, except normal University or Department overhead, shall be accepted to be paid by EAACI. If requested, secretarial expenses must be approved by the BoO, and shall not exceed €1000.

8. Industry participants will not be reimbursed by EAACI.

9. Reimbursement requirements

  • Only «original» receipts are accepted and must be sent by regular post to EAACI HQ with signed and fully completed reimbursement form
  • The reimbursement should be submitted no later than 3 months after the meeting
  • No advanced reimbursement before the meeting takes place
  • Any flight or hotel booked by a third party must provide proof of initial request, approval of offer and VAT invoice before being processed
  • Only official EAACI template will be accepted
  • Reimbursement for specific activities should be accompanied by a detailed report including hourly based cost – calculation

Article 9. Allergy Schools and Master Classes

Article 9. Allergy Schools and Master Classes

9A. Allergy Schools

EAACI organizes Allergy Schools to foster scientific collaboration, promote the dissemination of knowledge in the field of allergy and clinical immunology, and encourage social interaction among its members and other individuals interested in these areas for educational and research purposes. The Vice President of Education and Specialty oversees the coordination of all school activities.

a) Any EAACI National Member Society, Section, Interest Group, or Working Group can apply for organizing an Allergy School. It is encouraged to submit joint applications between EAACI structures and/or National Allergy and Immunology Societies as they support the EAACI matrix structure. Additionally, EAACI can collaborate on organizing allergy schools with international or regional societies based on the corresponding Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs).

b) The organizing/scientific committee must ensure the participation of EAACI Section, Interest Group, or Working Group sections/IG/WG with a scope related to the topic of the AS. Furthermore, EAACI Section, Interest Group, or Working Group with relevant expertise must be actively invited to join the organizing/scientific committee. The educational program should be developed in collaboration with the Junior Members Assembly and must be approved by the EAACI VP Education and Specialty. 

c) All applications must be received by the EAACI Headquarters no later than the 15th of September. Please ensure that the rules and templates provided on the EAACI webpage are followed. This must be completed in the year preceding the calendar year in which the proposed meeting will take place.

d) CME credits must be actively pursued through the EAACI-CME Committee and EBAACI.

e) The Allergy School program is designed to span 3 to 4 days, and we strongly encourage the use of cost-effective accommodation options whenever possible.

f) The Allergy School (AS) format should encourage informal interactions. The speakers, regarded as “teachers”, should be present for the entire duration of the school to engage with the attendees. Each speaker is expected to deliver a minimum of 2 lectures utilizing interactive teaching methods. Both teachers and students should have sufficient time for interaction. A syllabus and other educational materials, whether printed or online, should be made available and sent to the EAACI Vice President for Education and Specialty within three months after the School concludes. Invited speakers are responsible for providing content for the syllabus based on their lectures.

g) The school should be open to EAACI members (with a special fee) with priority given to participants from the host country and EAACI Junior Members. Non-EAACI members are also welcome.

h) EAACI will provide funding, including travel grants for Junior Members with accepted abstracts. EAACI HQ will handle all travel grant administration.

i) The total budget available from EAACI will vary from school to school, but it must not exceed 45,000 EUR, with the exception of the Winter School. A detailed budget must be submitted for the BoO approval, including any required direct payments, travel grants to participants, and travel expenses for lecturers.

j) Participants will be charged a registration fee for the school, except for the Winter school. The organizing committee is encouraged to seek additional sponsorship to cover the costs of organizing the school. EAACI HQ will provide a sponsorship prospectus and is responsible of the sponsorship agreements.

k) Practical aspects related to organizing the Allergy School, managing applications and participants’ registration, and overseeing travel grant applications should be coordinated by the organizers in collaboration with the EAACI HQ.

l) All surplus funds from a school must be returned to EAACI and allocated for future educational activities.

9B. Master Classes

The EAACI Master Classes cover both clinical and transitional topics in a specific field. These classes aim to provide advanced education and are designed for professionals and specialists with higher levels of experience. The classes are conducted in exclusive workshop formats with no fewer than 20 international participants, including Faculty members. They offer an excellent interactive platform for the exchange of knowledge over a two-day period.

a) Any EAACI Section, Interest Group, or Working Group may apply to organize a Master Class. Joint submissions involving multiple EAACI structures are encouraged as they support the EAACI matrix structure. Additionally, EAACI may organize master classes in cooperation with international or regional societies, in line with corresponding MoUs. EAACI will cover up to 50% of the costs.

b) The final educational program must be developed in cooperation with the relevant EAACI sections, Interest Groups, or Working Groups related to the topic, which must also be invited to participate in the organizing and/ scientific committees. It must be approved by the EAACI VP of Education and Specialties.

c) Applications must be submitted to the EAACI Headquarters when budget application is open, in accordance with the rules and templates published on the EAACI webpage, at least one year prior to the calendar year in which the proposed meeting will take place.

d) CME credits must be sought through the EAACI-CME Committee and EBAACI.

e) The Master Class is a two-day event featuring scientific plenary sessions and breakout sessions. Short presentations from attendees may be included in the program. Interactive sessions are strongly encouraged.

f) The recommended number of lecturers funded by the MC is between 10 and 15.

g) To ensure participants receive the best scientific support, EAACI will create an official e-handout. This e-handout will include summaries of the presentations, based on materials provided by the speakers. It will be made available online to all attendees one week before the conference.

h) MC participants may apply for travel grants if available.

i) Industry representatives must indicate their status in the online application form. EAACI reserves the right to limit industry participants to a maximum of 50%. A specific registration fee will apply.

j) The maximum budget allocated by the EAACI for a MC is €45,000, which may be increased upon approval. This budget also covers costs such as the venue, audio-visual, and CME request.

k) Additional sponsorship must be in the form of an unrestricted grant, with at least two sponsors selected to comply with rules.

l) When feasible, cost-effective lodging options, such as those available in academic settings, should be prioritized.

m) Participants will be charged a registration fee. The organizing committee is encouraged to seek additional sponsorship to cover the costs of organizing the school. EAACI HQ will provide a sponsorship prospectus and is responsible of the sponsorship agreements.

Article 10. EAACI Member Society Sponsored Speaker Scheme

Article 10. EAACI Member Society Sponsored Speaker Scheme

In order to stimulate the exchange of scientific and educational information amongst EAACI members, EAACI operates a funding scheme for speaker support to national society, regional and international meetings.

a) In order to qualify for speaker’s support programme, the corresponding society must be a member of the NAIS Committee or the International Society Council or have a signed and valid memorandum of understanding (MoU) with EAACI:

Each application should be for one to three speakers. One of the speakers should be a member of the EAACI Executive Committee, who will represent EAACI at the meeting and make an appropriate statement on behalf of EAACI at any opening ceremony, general assembly or equivalent meeting/gathering. Suggestions for speakers from the society requesting the speaker’s support will be taken into consideration, but EAACI ExCom will have the final decision and this decision should be guided by the following rules:

1. The speakers must be part of the EAACI family, with a maximum of three speakers. Gender and geographical balance must be respected.
2. The topics to be discussed in EAACI symposia should be related to recent scientific achievements or strategic initiatives.
3. In order to support the broad dissemination of EAACI topics and activities, previous topic and speaker nominations will be considered.
4. Suggestions for speakers from the society requesting the speaker’s support will be taken into consideration, but EAACI ExCom will have the final decision and this decision should be guided by the above mentioned recommendations.

b) EAACI will cover the expenses for trip and if needed accommodation (if not covered by the NAIS) of the speakers of a EAACI symposium to be organized within the official scientific programme of the congress of the corresponding scientific society. On the other hand, the corresponding scientific society provides waived registration for EAACI speakers and commits to label the symposium with EAACI logo in all the promotional material of the congress.

c) EAACI sponsored speakers may make additional presentations at each meeting; these may be lectures, workshops, seminars etc. The EAACI sponsored speakers need not necessarily speak on the same symposium.

d) Where the format chosen is a joint symposium, EAACI requires presentations in English. Simultaneous translation may be provided for non-English speaking members of the audience at the discretion of the Member Society. Any costs for translation will be borne by the Member Society.

e) Acknowledgement of EAACI sponsorship should be made in the programme of the meeting and in any accompanying materials.

f) The request for speaker’s support must come from the corresponding scientific society at least 6 months before the event is organised and be addressed to the Secretary General, the VP Education and Speciality and to the Executive Committee Administrator.

g) EAACIs Speakers should provide a brief report of the experience to the ExCom. The Report should be submitted two weeks after the event in line with the speaker support template.

h) A meeting with the EAACI Leadership, comprising the President, Secretary-General, and immediate Past-President, needs to be scheduled. ExCom members under the speaker support program can attend the Leadership meeting if invited by the EAACI President. Non-ExCom members are not permitted to attend the Leadership meeting.

Article 11. Bylaws Defining Specific Competencies of Executive Committee and Board of Officers

Article 11. Bylaws Defining Specific Competencies of Executive Committee and Board of Officers

The Board of Officers (BoO) coordinates the day-to-day business together with the HQ Manager and the Headquarters (HQ).

Within the scope of the day-to-day business and all business delegated to the BoO, the BoO needs to have decision power to keep the business of EAACI effectively running. Since the decision making process of the Executive Committee (ExCom) is not mentioned in the Constitution these bylaws shall define specific competencies of the ExCom and BoO.

The ExCom has the right to ask for full financial transparency at any time.

Activity Responsibility
Develops the mission statement and the strategic programme ExCom
Revises and approves modifications of bylaws and other regulatory documents ExCom
Revises the Constitution and prepares for the General Assembly approval ExCom
Prepares Constitution, bylaws and other regulatory documents for the ExCom revision Governance Committee
Monitors and ensures compliance of EAACI activities with internal and external regulations ExCom
Prepares SOPs BoO in collaboration with the HQ Manager and other bodies (e.g. Committees)
Approves SOPs ExCom
Ensures ExCom is fully informed of all EAACI activities BoO
Streamlines the integration among all EAACI activities BoO
Primary contact with FS, sponsors and other third parties BoO
Ambassador/spokesperson for EAACI in the allergy field ExCom
Ensures compliance with Confidentiality agreement and Conflict of Interest BoO
Ensures the functionality of the Ethics Committee ExCom
Liaison with Ethics Committee BoO
Election and dismissal of EAACI Committee Chairs, journals, website and social media Editors ExCom
Revises and approves the annual budget ExCom
Revises and approves the location for the yearly Congress and Focused Meetings ExCom
Selection of providers based on bid rules BoO
Reviews and approves new income proposals according to the EAACI policy ExCom
Reviews and approves investments in compliance with the EAACI policy BoO
Approval of the contracts with third parties BoO
Signature of the contracts with third parties Collective signing powers by three, with one being the President. In the absence of the President, the Secretary General will act as deputy for collective signing powers by three. “in the absence of” is defined as exceptional circumstances only, when the President is incapacitated and not for short-term absence (ie. vacation).
Approval and executing the payments Treasurer
Legal fees and other services (editorial and secretarial services, professional language check, etc.) significantly exceeding average rates BoO
Honoraria ExCom
Signature in the commercial registry BoO (except the Past President) and the HQ Manager. Collective signing by three is needed, with one being the President. In the absence of the President, the Secretary General will act as deputy for collective signing by three. “in the absence of” is defined as exceptional circumstances only, when the President is incapacitated and not for short-term absence (ie. vacation).
Guides and supervises HQ HQ Manager in cooperation with the BoO
Recruitment, employment, salaries and bonus of the HQ staff except the HQ Manager BoO in cooperation with the HQ Manager
Approval of employment and dismissal of the HQ Manager ExCom by physical or electronic vote
Recruitment, salary and bonus of the HQ Manager BoO
Reviews and selects speaker support and NAIS submissions BoO
Approves speaker support and NAIS submissions ExCom

Any other urgent day-to-day business can be delegated by the ExCom to the BoO.

All WG have independent activities and budget. They report regularly to the Science Committee Chair that pools all info into one comprehensive report to the ExCom WG Chairs and Secretary are the board of the Science Committee. They should meet during the annual congress and anytime needed during the year and provide the yearly scientific roadmap with priorities, strategy, tools, division of tasks and responsibilities.

Election Committee

Election Committee will analyse for eligibility all submissions of the candidates for elections within EAACI in terms of declaration of interest, possible conflict of interest and/or loyalty and compliance with the EAACI Governance rules (previous assignments, number of mandates, etc.). In cases of doubt the candidate can be required and has the right to provide further clarifications. The Committee checks the correctness of the election process and validates the election procedure and the outcome. The Election Committee may be involved upon decision of the ExCom in any appeal put forward by an individual member without affecting the initiation of the mandate of the elected individuals.

The Election Committee acts via individual input from each member. In case of major disagreement between the opinions of the Committee members the issue will be brought for decision to the ExCom.

The Election Committee works remote via emails and/or TCs.

The Election Committee shall report to the EAACI Executive Committee any time requested by the ExCom but at least once a year

Article 12. EAACI Working Groups

Article 12. EAACI Working Groups

In order to strengthen the impact of EAACI matters related to allergy and clinical immunology, EAACI decided to form Working Groups.

a) A Working Group should represent an area of specific interest, not represented by a Section/Interest Group, that needs to be considered in more detail.

b) The purpose of the Working Group is to suggest task forces, scientific sessions and educational programmes within their specific areas.

c) Any EAACI member can propose to their Section/Interest Group or to Executive Committee that a Working Group be formed, the decision to form a Working Group needs the approval of the Section/Interest Group board of the relevant Section/Interest Group and the decision to approve any new Working Group is finally taken by the EAACI Executive Committee and notified to the General Assembly.

d) Working Groups have the choice to become independent or remain under the umbrella of a Section or Interest Group. Requests to become independent must be submitted in writing to the EAACI Executive Committee with a clear justification.

e) A Working Group is governed by a Chair, a Secretary and three board members, elected by the Working Group membership. No person may remain as a Board member for a continuous period of more than 3 terms (including periods as Board member, Secretary and Chair). The lifelong number of terms is limited to 3 terms life-long for each board.

Both WG Chair and Secretary are expected to:

  • Submit annual report and budget submission every September
  • Contribute substantially to the WG activities and Task Forces
  • Coordinate and encourage new Task Forces and projects to their WG Board
  • Responsible for TF reports are delivered according the deadline
  • Anticipate and train (Chair / Secretary) successors and actively recruit board members during the elections ensuring the scientific profile and fair representation of specialists in the area
  • Organise abstract evaluations within the WG


f) The term of Chair, Secretary and board members is two years, ideally coinciding with that of EAACI Officers. However, a Working Group can start anytime after the approval by the Executive Committee

g) The Working Group Chair is responsible for managing, organising and leading the Working Group meetings and activities. The Working Group Secretary is responsible for helping the Chair and substitute the Chair on demand.

h) The Chair and Secretary of a Working Group may be re-elected once for a second period to either post but may not hold office continuously (in either post) for more than 2 terms. No person may remain as a Board member for a continuous period of more than 3 terms (including periods as Board member, Secretary and Chair). The lifelong number of terms is limited to 3 terms life-long for each board.

i) Nobody may be a Chair or Secretary of more than one Working Group/Interest Group/Section. However, any EAACI member can participate in business and scientific meetings of several Interest Groups or Sections.

j) Working Group Chair and Secretary should not be current members of a Section or Interest Group board. Working Group Chair should not be chosen from current members of the Executive Committee.

k) The Working Group report directly to their Interest Group/Section board (if applicable) or directly to the Executive Committee if independent (via the Interest Group/Working Group representatives) and are represented as a whole to the Executive Committee by the Interest Group/Working Group representatives or Section.

l) WGs are represented at the ExCom by IG/WG Representatives. The ExCom elect the IG/WG Representatives from the  outgoing IG/WG board members applying for that position. IG/WG Representatives are proposed to the General Assembly after elected by the EAACI ExCom, to serve on the ExCom with voting rights for one term (2 years) coinciding with that of EAACI Officers. The nomination of IG/WG Representatives for this office takes place during the ExCom meeting prior to the Annual Congress. Nominated IG/WG Representatives are expected to liaise with all IG/WG officers to communicate IG/WG issues to the ExCom.

m) All Working Groups will be evaluated every two years and it will be decided whether they should continue as a Working Group. The evaluation will be carried out by the Interest Group/Working Group representatives and approved by the Executive Committee.

Article 13. Focused Meetings

Article 13. Focused Meetings

a) Venue requirements

The venue requirements (number of rooms, room size and set-up, exhibition space, social events, etc.) vary depending on the actual meeting, meeting format and budget available. The requirements will be clearly defined in the call for venue proposals (see section b) below).

b) Organizing Committee/venue selection process

Each focused meeting is organized by the ExCom in cooperation with the relevant Section(s) and/or Interest Group(s) boards. The current chair of the relevant Section(s) and/or Interest Group(s) will act as co-chair of the FM. The Board will propose to the ExCom for approval two others co-chairs based on the scientific merit and location of the venue meeting.
The Board will also propose the places and dates of the respective event – these are subject to approval by the EAACI ExCom. If possible, facilities of universities/institutes shall be proposed.

In the best case, the place (city/country) and date of the next edition should be announced during the actual meeting. More detailed information and exact timelines are covered in the EAACI SOPs for Focused Meetings Venue Selection.

c) Constitution, roles & responsibilities of OC

OC (Organizing Committee):
The FM Co-Chairs proposes to the ExCom up to 4 members to constitute the Organizing Committee. For physical and hybrid meetings at least 2 members need to be from the same country as the event is planned in.

The main responsibilities of the OC are:

  • Form the scientific programme together with the EAACI SPC Chairs, EAACI VP Congresses and EAACI VP Science
  • Liaise with the HQ for sponsoring/exhibition opportunities
  • Provide input where needed for marketing activities coordinated by HQ
  • Invite experts to support with the organization of the FM
  • Contribute to the project planning (e.g. timelines, budget, etc.) and logistical aspects (e.g. social events) together with EAACI HQ which has the operational project lead

d) Number of involved faculty members

The number of involved faculty members (speakers, chairs, moderators, etc.) can vary depending on the actual meeting, meeting format and budget available. The faculty member/delegate ratio and specifically involvement of oversea faculty shall be kept at a reasonable level. The faculty member list is subject to approval by the EAACI VP Congresses before invitations are being sent out.

e) Meeting language

The official language of all EAACI Focused Meetings is English.

f) Budgets

A first budget outline needs to be approved by the VP Congresses and the Treasurer before starting with all logistical organization. Budget updates have to be shared periodically with the VP Congresses for information. In case of major budget deviations or additional costs, the VP Congresses has to be informed as soon as possible in order to report to BoO/ExCom if needed.

The event budget normally includes:


  • Room rental cost
  • Other venue-related costs (furniture/plants, room set-up, hostesses, posters/e-posters, etc.)
  • Catering
  • Social events
  • Technical equipment & IT (technicians, WIFI, webcasting, etc.)
  • Marketing related expenses (signage, mobile app, printed matters, EAACI booth, etc.)
  • Travel/hotel expenses*
  • Various expenses (committee-related costs, travel grants, poster prices, abstract handling fees, site inspection costs, etc.)


  • Registration fees
  • Income from sponsors/exhibitors

*The specific benefit policies are covered in the EAACI SOPs for Focused Meetings Benefits.

g) Professional Congress Organizer (PCO)

EAACI may appoint a Professional Congress Organizer (PCO) to organize certain aspects of the Focused Meetings depending on the size of the meeting, the resources and expertise available within HQ. EAACI shall appoint if ever possible only one PCO across different Focused Meetings and define a reasonable term of collaboration. In some cases, local PCO can be appointed in addition to existing PCO or as a primary meeting organiser. Relationships between EAACI and PCOs are regulated by a contract approved by the ExCom.

h) Registration fees

The registration fees for each Focused Meeting are set by the ExCom and proposed by the VP Congress together with the LOC. They can vary based on the meeting format and budget available.

The ExCom decides about early and late registration fee categories if applicable and also decides which services may or may not be included in the registration fee upon proposal from the VP Congress and LOC.

For digital participation, reduced fees may be explored and are subject to approval by the EAACI ExCom.

j) Collaboration with other scientific societies

EAACI may collaborate with other scientific societies for specific Focused Meetings.
In such cases, responsibilities and financial aspects have to be clearly regulated by a contract or MoU which are subject to approval from the EAACI ExCom.

k) Allocation of Industry Symposia

The Local Chair and VP Congresses is responsible for the allocation of potential industry symposia within the programme together with the EAACI Sponsoring Manager, which requires approval by the BoO. If possible, industry symposia shall be allocated outside of other scientific sessions (e.g. during breaks, lunch or in the evening). If a conflict with the scientific programme cannot be avoided for whatever reason, it has to be ensured that there are at least no thematical overlaps between the respective sessions.

l) Alternative event formats

The EAACI VP Congresses may brainstorm together with the respective ExCom Group and LOC about the implementation of alternative event formats such as digital and hybrid event formats. The final decision about the meeting format will be made by EAACI ExCom after taking into consideration a risk/benefit assessment and cost projection of different scenarios.

m) Event insurance

The Focused Meetings shall be covered by insurance, if possible by the same provider as for the Congress.
In any case, a clear force majeure clause needs to be included in any contract with suppliers.

n) Crisis management/emergency plan

A crisis management/emergency plan needs to be put in place covering different crisis/emergency scenarios before and during the event (such as strikes, outbreak of communicable diseases, any other force majeure causes, fire, terrorist attacks, etc.). These guidelines will be put together by the HQ team of EAACI under supervision of the BoO and should guarantee timely and concise actions and a clear communication in case of potential incidents.

o) Terms and conditions for Registrations/Abstracts

Concise terms and conditions following pre-defined templates have to be established for Focused Meetings. Changes to these templates are subject to approval by the BoO.

Article 14. EAACI Structure where Elections are not possible due to lack of Candidates

Article 14. EAACI Structure where Elections are not possible due to lack of Candidates

The Executive Committee will evaluate the activity and the importance of that particular group
If considered of strategic importance ExCom will nominate a Delegate Chair and a Delegate Secretary that will be responsible for running the activities for 2 years and for ensuring enough candidates for the next election round.

Article 15. EAACI3H

Article 15. EAACI3H

The three hubs of EAACI (EAACI3H) is a permanent structure of the Academy to coordinate all efforts regarding research, innovation, outreach and tailored education. The main goal is to develop high quality science and innovative tools supporting the prevention and cure of allergic diseases and asthma, that will be further disseminate to public, patients, policymakers and other stakeholders and to identify and tackle patients’ needs and priorities, and help create an appropriate European framework for the progress of healthcare and research in our discipline. Finally, EAACI is also committed to provide continuous education to researchers, clinicians, public, patients and other healthcare providers supporting excellent professional performance. To this end, EAACI promotes tailored and highly accessible educational programmes, such as webinars and learning modules.  

EAACI3H is composed by the EAACI Research & Innovation Hub, the EAACI Public, Patients & Outreach Hub, and the EAACI Knowledge Hub. EAACI3H is under the general coordination of the EAACI President, Secretary General, VP Education, VP Science, VP Communication, Research & Innovation Hub Editor-in-Chief, Public, Patients & Outreach Editor-in-Chief, and Knowledge Hub Editor-in-Chief. This coordination will allow and align strategy among Hubs. 

EAACI ExCom, following an open call, will elect democratically the positions of Editor-in-Chief and Deputy Editor for each of the three Hubs. The term of the position is two years, renewable once. The rest of the member of EAACI3H perform their task ex officio.  

a) Research & Innovation Hub

The Research & Innovation Hub is a permanent body instituted by the EAACI Executive Committee (ExCom) to develop the strategy and tools for an efficient science accessible for EAACI members. 

Specific Tasks:

The Research & Innovation Hub will be responsible for developing strategies for implementing strategies for research and innovation in different areas such as: 

  • Telemedicine and artificial intelligence technologies applied to Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology
  • Data driven decision-making such as  real world evidence, patients’ data and health economics applied to Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology
  • Regulation and networking in areas such as innovative clinical trials and planetary health
  • Identification of funding opportunities at the EU level

The Research & Innovation Hub has an Editorial Board which is responsible for the content, the activities and the budget and includes: 

  • Editor-in-Chief and one Deputy Editor nominated by the ExCom following an open call
  • The EAACI BoO, Chairpersons of the EAACI sections, IGs and WGs, Journal Editors-in-Chief and the Patients Organization Committee Chair are automatically members of the Committee and will act as Associate Editors.

An Advisory Board comprising key opinion leaders in each scientific area relevant for EAACI will support KH activities and elected by the ExCom. The Science Committee Chair, Methodology Committee Chair, and Scientific Media Communications Committee Chair and Representatives of Regulatory and Political Bodies and Industry Representatives (EAACI Founder Sponsors only) may also participate on demand 

The Research & Innovation Editorial Board shall coordinate with the other two Hubs and report to the EAACI Executive Committee any time requested by the ExCom but at least once a year.  

b) EAACI Public, Patients & Outreach Hub

The Public, Patients & Outreach Hub is a permanent body instituted by the EAACI Executive Committee (ExCom identify and tackle patients’ needs and priorities and help create an appropriate European framework for the progress of healthcare in Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology.  

Specific Tasks: 

The Public, Patients & Outreach Hub will be responsible for implementing strategies in different areas such as: 

  • EU lobbying with relevant stakeholders
  • Advocacy with public and Patients’ Organizations
  • Statements and recommendations for clinical practice
  • Awareness campaigns for the lay public

The Research & Innovation Hub has an Editorial Board which is responsible for the content, the activities and the budget and includes: 

  • Editor-in-Chief and one Deputy Editor nominated by the ExCom following an open call
  • The EAACI BoO, Chairpersons of the EAACI sections, IGs and WGs, Journal Editors-in-Chief and the Patients Organization Committee Chair are automatically members of the Committee and will act as Associate Editors.

An Advisory Board comprising key opinion leaders in each scientific area relevant for EAACI will support KH activities and elected by the ExCom. The National Allergy and Immunology Societies Committee Chair, International Societies Committee Chair, EAACI Review Editor, EAACI Social Media Editor, and EAACI Website Editor and Representatives of Regulatory and Political Bodies and Industry Representatives (EAACI Founder Sponsors only) may also participate on demand 

The Public, Patients & Outreach Hub shall coordinate with the other two Hubs and report to the EAACI Executive Committee any time requested by the ExCom but at least once a year.  

c) EAACI Knowledge Hub

The Knowledge Hub is a body instituted by the EAACI Executive Committee (ExCom) to carry out the review and allocation of educational content accessible for EAACI members.

Specific Tasks: 

The Knowledge Hub will be responsible for developing:

  • Learning modules addressing the advances of the Allergy and Clinical Immunology discipline
  • Interactive training for the EAACI Knowledge Exam
  • Educational programmes tailored to the needs of specific communities: junior, early and advanced career members, primary care physicians, allied health professionals, etc.

The Knowledge Hub has an Editorial Board which is responsible for the content, the activities and the budget and includes:

  • Editor-in-chief and one Deputy Editor elected by the ExCom following an open call
  • The EAACI BoO, Chairpersons of the EAACI sections, IGs and WGs, Journal Editors-in-Chief and the Patients Organisation Committee Chair are automatically members of the Committee and will act as Associate Editors.

An Advisory Board comprising key opinion leaders in each scientific area relevant for EAACI will support Knowledge Hub activities and are elected by the ExCom. The Exam Committee Chair, Specialty & CME Committee Chairs, Tailored Education Committee Chair and Representatives of Regulatory and Political Bodies and Industry Representatives (EAACI Founder Sponsors only) may also participate on demand.

The Knowledge Hub Editorial Board shall coordinate with the other two Hubs and report to the EAACI Executive Committee any time requested by the ExCom but at least once a year.

Article 16. Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Loyalty

Article 16. Conflict of Interest and Conflict of Loyalty

a) A Confidentiality Disclosure agreement (CDA) between the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI), represented by its President or any BoO member, and any individual EAACI member or non-member collaborating with EAACI is required. This agreement should be signed before any collaboration is initiated and periodically updated.

b) ExCom members, Committee Chairs and Secretaries, journal/knowledge hub/communication channels Editors or other EAACI position holders or representatives have to provide a fully signed CDA and a Loyalty Agreement before the start of their mandates

c) All external collaborations of ExCom members, Committee Chairs, journal/knowledge hub/communication channels Editors or other EAACI position holders or representatives are regulated through the terms of the CDA and loyalty agreement.

d) All collaboration (committee or other working bodies membership, speaker, statements, guidelines, position papers, etc) of ExCom members, Committee Chairs, journal/knowledge hub/communication channels Editors with a potential conflict of interest or with competing or peer organizations should be notified to the BoO and in case of doubt clarified with the ExCom.

Article 17. EAACI Historian

Article 17. EAACI Historian

The Historian is responsible for maintaining and updating comprehensive records of EAACI’s activities, milestones, and significant moments, including conferences, publications, and policy developments. The Historian should conduct research into the history of EAACI, its founding, development, and contributions to the field of allergy and clinical immunology. This research ensures that the Academy’s memory is well-documented and preserved. 

The Historian should also write articles, reviews, monographs, or books highlighting significant events, contributions, and developments within EAACI. This may also include creating content for newsletters, websites, and journals. Publication of these editorial outputs must be previously approved by the ExCom. 

Additionally, the Historian can propose to organise exhibits or displays that showcase important artefacts, documents, and photographs from EAACI’s history, online or, particularly, during conferences or special events. The Historian can conduct and compile oral histories and interviews with key figures in the field to capture their experiences, insights, and contributions for future generations. 

The Historian will provide, upon request of the current EAACI President, historical context to EAACI leadership and bodies to help informing on current and future organizational strategies. Furthermore, EAACI’s historical legacy and achievements can actively be promoted and celebrated during anniversaries or other notable events. 

In general, by fulfilling these roles, a Historian at the EAACI helps ensuring that the rich history of the organisation and the field of allergy and clinical immunology is preserved, understood, and appreciated by both current members and future generations. 

The Historian will be elected by the ExCom following a BoO nomination for a 4-years term renewable once. The Historian will receive free registration and accommodation at the Annual Congress, with the same benefits of invited speakers, and can apply for a budget during the budget application term to support the relevant activity. 

Code of Conduct and Funding Sources

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The objectivity and transparency of non-profit organisations like EAACI is critical to carrying out their mission. Income derived from fees, congress and meeting profits are devoted to current activities, research and travel awards, and initiatives of interest to members. As a member of the Alliance for Biomedical Research in Europe EAACI fully adheres to this code of conduct between healthcare professionals and scientific organisations which can be found here, such as the Code of Ethics developed by the EAACI Ethics Committee. While they may need adaptation to specific settings they are an important agreement on common ethical values and will be a prerequisite for our doing.

For Guidelines projects, please refer to the EAACI COI Guidelines here.

Funding Sources

Funding Sources

More information regarding industry related income and our sponsors list can be found here. Our Founder sponsors are on this page.