Pro & Con Speaker Guidelines

As Pro & Con sessions are a special session format we would like to give you some information about the structure of the session.

Pro & Con Sessions are offered during lunchtime as a complement to the formal symposia and interactive workshops. The session may take the form of a debate where speakers alternate to present their arguments. One of the main features is the voting system.
At the beginning of the session the audience should vote on the two positions, using the EAACI Congress app. Then, each presenter defends his/her position in a short presentation of maximum 10 minutes each. A major aspect should be the discussion with the audience. Towards the end of the session a second voting will take place to see whether opinions have changed and what the majority of the audience thinks.

Speaker presentations must be uploaded, prior to the session – ideally the day before – at the Speaker Service Centre (SSC), which is located in the main entrance of the FIL, in the Registration Area.The staff at the SSC will be happy to brief you on the technical details of the presentation and the voting. During the session a technician will also be there to help you with the technical aspects of the voting and to open/close the voting system at the right moment.

At the beginning of the session we will display slides with the Wi-Fi connection and how to find the App in the App store by searching for “EAACI”. Once it is time for voting we will show the options also on a slide, therfore, there is no need for you to provide the question slide.

We recommend that speakers and session chair meet at least 20 minutes prior to the start of your session. Introduce yourself and discuss how you will run the session. You will receive microphone headsets and a remote clicker to run the slides from the technician.

Here is a timeline that should help you structure the session:

Time Who Activity
3 hours before session Speakers & chair Upload speaker presentations at Speakers Service Centre located in the main entrance to the FIL, in the Registration Area. Download the app on your phone or tablet to get familiarised: Search for EAACI and install the multievent app. Then select the Annual Congress 2019 within the app.
15 minutes before session Speakers & chair Arrival of speakers and chair to coordinate and set up.
Session start 2 minutes Chair – Welcome the audience – Invite the audience to download the app from the IOS – or Android App store and explain the purpose – Explain the session structure – Introduce the speakers
2 minutes Audience First Voting Slide with the 2 options is displayed on the screen, participants can access the voting tool in the app, within the Pro Con session When Voting closes, the results will be displayed on the screen
2 minutes Chair Display and comment on voting results
10 minutes Speaker Pro Speaker Pro: Presentation and discussion
10 minutes Speaker Con Speaker Con: Presentation and discussion
2 minutes Audience Second Voting as above
2 minutes Chair Final Comments on voting results

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