Sponsor EAACI Focused Meetings

These biennial mid-size EAACI events provide Industry with opportunities to sponsor key areas in the field of allergy and provide knowledge-sharing and training using various session formats, attracting delegates and speakers from around the world. With an attendance between 250 -1500 participants depending on the topic area, these meetings also provide an excellent platform for networking over a three-day period.


To access more non-personalised statistics, metrics and data across all EAACI events and education click here.


For more information (i.e. Scientific Programme, abstracts, registration, venue and etc) on these types of upcoming events (on the eaaci.org website), click the below hyperlink:


Types of Focused Meetings

Focused Meeting Topic Size (pax) Description Next event
PAAM Pediatric Allergy and Asthma 800-1500 The burden of allergic diseases and asthma in children has been significantly increasing during the last years, among other reasons due to differences in lifestyles, age of food introduction and industrialization. Allergy is a multi‐system disorder, and children often have several co‐existing diseases, i.e. allergic rhinitis, asthma, eczema and food allergy. 2025
FAAM-EUROBAT Food Allergy Anaphylaxis and the European Consortium on Application of Flow Cytometry in Allergy 500-1300 FAAM normally combines with the EUROBAT meeting as a joint event gathering leading researches in the areas of food allergy, anaphylaxis, applications of BAT in food allergy, insect allergy, drug hypersensitivity, urticaria as well as future and new developments. 2024


Skin Allergy 300-600 This meeting provides up-to-date information for clinicians, covering basic, translational and clinical aspects on atopic dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, mast cell driven diseases, cutaneous drug allergy, anaphylaxis, food allergy and the skin, hand eczema and occupational eczema, among others. 2025
DHM Drug Hypersensitivity 300-500 This meeting aims to address the most recent and topical challenges in clinicians day-to-day practices. This includes the checkpoint inhibitors and the role of genetics, epigenetics and enzymes, and old challenges such as hypersensitivity to antibiotics and anaesthetics, along with the mechanisms of hypersensitivity reactions. 2026
ISAF International Severe Asthma Forum 300-500 This focused meeting aims to bring together scientists and clinicians with a broad range of experience, from junior scientists/doctors to key opinion leaders, at an event dedicated to all aspects of severe asthma. 2025


International Symposium on Molecular Allergology 300-500 This event aims to discuss the newest developments in the field of molecular allergology and the impact they will have on allergy diagnosis and therapy. Over the past decade, molecular allergology has gained increasing impact on the field of allergy diagnosis and allergen immunotherapy. Allergen molecules have been linked to allergic phenotypes and to disease trajectories, they are gaining interest as biomarkers for selection of patients for immunotherapy, and they have reached a foothold in food allergy diagnostic algorithms. Microarray and multiplex technologies as well as novel techniques allowing simultaneous single-cell analyses for increasing numbers of parameters are a revolution in research opportunities. This advent of “big data” has sparked off innovative bio-statistic and bioinformatic approaches for data analysis. At the same time, these developments raise questions about implementation of this wealth of information into daily clinical practice. 2026


Rhinallergy 200-400 This meeting aims to doctors, researchers, medical professionals, and allied healthcare professionals the opportunity to discuss the most updated science in allergy and immunology of the upper airways in a translational “bench to bedside” approach. 2026

Focused Meeting event products

Product Product code Hybrid, Digital only or Onsite/Physical only product
Exhibition space EXH2X.01X Onsite only
Industry Satellite Symposium SYMP2X.01.01X / SYMP2X.01.02X / SYMP2X.01.03X Onsite only (recording may be possible on request)
Livestreaming of your Symposium (to non-registered delegates) VIR_SYMP2X.05X

Digital (depends on specific Focused Meeting)

Industry Symposia Pre-recording Support Package VIR_2X.04X

Online (depends on specific Focused Meeting)

Full page advertisement in the e-Final Programme VIR_ADV2X.01X


A6 Pocket Programme – Back Inside Cover Advertisement (exclusive item) ADV2X.01X


A6 Pocket Programme – Full page Advertisement ADV2X.02X


Mobile App Push Notification ADV2X.04X

Hybrid (depends on specific Focused Meeting)

All Coffee Breaks and Lunch (exclusive item) ADV2X.05X


Coffee Breaks ADV2X.06X


Lunch break ADV2X.07X


Faculty Dinner (exclusive item) ADV2X.08X


Welcome Reception ADV2X.09X


Advertisement in EAACI e-Newsletter ADV2X.13X


Travel Grants (exclusive item with unrestricted grant) SE2X.01X


Poster Session SE2X.02X


Unrestricted Grants (exclusive item) SE2X.03X


Industry Participant Data Analytic Capture DAT2X.02X

Physical (Lead Retrieval System)