EAACI Sponsorship

Welcome to the EAACI Sponsorship information directory.
Engage with your audience and prospects with live interactive onsite and digital experiences.
From remarkable content to meaningful connections, great events happen with EAACI. A truly engaged audience is key to a successful meeting. This platform aims to provide an overview of all the EAACI sponsorship opportunities necessary to engage participants during EAACI congress, events and initiatives.

  • More about Sponsorship

    Welcome to our EAACI Sponsorship information directory.
    Engage with your audience and prospects with live interactive onsite and digital experiences through the following:

    • EAACI Annual Congress
    • EAACI Focused Meetings
    • Allergy & Winter Schools
    • Master Classes
    • EAACI Awards
    • EAACI Knowledge Hub
    • Other EAACI educational initiative