Digital branding opportunities

Tab 3.1 – Digital Platform Banner/Video Advertising

Products Type ESOP Product Code Description Product Advertising permitted Accrued Points

Digital Event Bag

Non-Exclusive ADV2X.03 Promote your brand, product or symposium with this targetted advertising that is included in a digital event bag for the delegate to access. This information will then be possible to save in the participants favourites items on their user profile. Yes 2

Carousel Banner – Digital Platform & EAACI Event Mobile App

Non-Exclusive ADV2X.08.01 Event Mobile App / ADV2X.08.02 Digital platform Promote your session programmes or exhibitor profile within the EAACI Event Mobile App and/or on the Event Digital Platform. The EAACI Event Mobile App and Digital platform are both key vehicles for delivering programme and other important information to delegates. The banner rotates on a sequence timer. Specifically On the Mobile Event App the user arrives at the home screen of the event after an entire rotation of banners is complete. Your banner can also be added as a favourite by the user. No 2

Digital Video Advertisement

Non-Exclusive ADV2X.15 Promote your session programmes or exhibitor profile on the exhibtion section or Industry programme pages of the event digital plaform. The video advertisiment displays in the form of a modal window banner that is positioned in the bottom/right corner of the user’s browser will rotate randomly but evenly among the total number of videos. All videos are displayed for the entire event duration. This item is limited to 10 bookings. No 2

EAACI Digital Video Promotion – logo placement

Non-Exclusive ADV2X.23 Place your company logo within an EAACI promotional video. This video will be distributed through all EAACI`s social media and promtional channels, networks and affiliates. Align your brand with the EAACI Annual Congress. The promotional video takes the viewer through a virtual journey showing all the sponsor logos on the pathway toward the final destination of the digtial event landing page. No 1

Tab 3.2 – Direct Delegate Advertising

Products Type ESOP Product Code Description Product Advertising permitted Accrued Points

Push (pop-up) notifications – Digital Platform & EAACI Event Mobile App

Non Exclusive ADV2X.07.01 Event Mobile App / ADV2X.07.02 Digital Platform Promote your session programmes or exhibitor profile within the EAACI Event Mobile App and/or on the Event Digital Platform. The EAACI Event Mobile App and Digital platform are both key vehicles for delivering programme and other important information to delegates. EAACI will send a notification (for example 50 – 60 minutes prior to your symposium) to all delegates using the EAACI Hybrid Congress 2021 Mobile App or the Event Digital Platform. This notification will include the company name, timing, session room and the symposium title. Mobile Event App – If the delegate has agreed to receive push notifications, the message will pop-up directly on the lock screen. All other delegates will be able to see the message within the EAACI events app under “Latest News”. Digital Platform – The delegate will be able to see notifications only if his is currently browsing the digital platform. If he will miss or skip a notification, he will be able to browse them all from the notification area indicated in the top right corner of his browser. EAACI will enable a pop-up notification (modal window) on delegate’s browsers. Technical term: Modal window, is a window that forces the user to interact with it. No 2

Congress promotional email

Non Exclusive ADV2X.11 Promote your session programmes or exhibitor profile with a banner placement on a regular bi-weekly EAACI eBlast to a subscribed audience of 50,000 pax approx. 3 banners are available each eBlast that is sent to subscribers once every two weeks. Sponsors are permitted to only 1 banner per event. Founder Sponsors will receive priority in banner placements. Please note: EAACI Founder Sponsors have this item included in their yearly contracts – no need for Founder Sponsors to book this item on the ESOP- No 0

Direct Delegate (user-profile) Advertisement

Non Exclusive ADV2X.20 Promote your brand, product or symposium with this targetted advertising within the delegate profile/networking area of the EAACI digital platform. Advertisement is shown in all of the following delegate profile pages: Edit Profile, Activity Challenge, Attendees List, Chat Messages, Attendance & CME, Certificates, Matchmaking (TBC), My Agenda (TBC), My Event (Virtual) bag (TBC). Targetting the specific advertisement is possible. Yes 2

Tab 3.3 – Digital Publications

Products Type ESOP Product Code Description Product Advertising permitted Accrued Points

e-Final Programme – full page / half page

Non Exclusive ADV2X.01 Your full/half-page advertisement will be included in the e-Final Programme will be made available on the EAACI website and for PDF-Download on the EAACI Hybrid Congress digtial platform. No 1

Advertisement in EAACI Online Newsletter (

Non Exclusive ADV2X.13 EAACI provides a platform to gain exposure to all members and non-members of the Academy. The EAACI Newsletter is a regular online publication (not directly associated with the EAACI Annual congress Programmes) offered multiple times each year and disseminated via the EAACI website, social media channels and mass emails. Yes 2

Tab 3.4 – Auxiliary Digital Advertising

Product Type ESOP Product Code Description Product Advertising permitted Accrued Points

Event Mobile App

Exclusive ADV2X.12 The EAACI Events Mobile App is an innovative tool that redefines the way you visit and experience the Event. Using the Mobile App, the delegates can explore the event programme and exhibition & sponsorship information which includes other interactive features such as sliding images, carousel ads together with a detailed company description, promotion of your industry sessions, booth & website. No 8

Advanced Company Profile in the Mobile App

Non Exclusive ADV2X.05 Sponsors have the possibility to add a company logo and up to three different images in their company editorial profile in the EAACI Event Mobile App. The profile is accessible via the exhibitor and sponsor list in the industry section of the EAACI Event Mobile App. No 0

Highlight your Symposium Digitally

Non Exclusive ADV2X.06 The EAACI symposia programme information will be accessible in the industry section of the EAACI Event Mobile App and Digital Platform under the category “Industry Programme”. Highlight your session by adding a star symbol and your company logo. Logo not normally included in a sponsors listing (with the exception of EAACI Founder Sponsors) No 0
EAACI Knowledge Hub Advertising Non Exclusive EKH2X.01 The EAACI Knowledge Hub is the central platform that directs all stakeholders to EAACI Scientific resources. From webinars, abstracts, e-posters, and presentations of all EAACI events to all books, guidelines and EAACI position papers. It is an essential resource for scientists, researchers and Allergy Professionals all over the world. The EAACI Knowledge Hub has over 70’000 annual visits and more than 10’000 users . No 3