
In order to benefit from free registration, your membership must be active and fully paid by the time the abstract is submitted. If this is not the case, your application will be treated as Non-member and Winter School registration will cost EUR 300.

Registration is only available for successful abstract submitters. 70 accepted abstract submitters will be invited to register.

Registration and accommodation will be covered by EAACI. Accommodation is provided at the Hotel Prieuré in Chamonix in a shared twin room for 3 nights (23 – 26 January 2020) with breakfast and dinner. This hotel will also be the meeting venue. Please note that additional hotel nights need to be booked directly with the hotel at your own expenses. EAACI will not book any accommodation outside the 3 nights mentioned above.

Travel costs must be covered by the participant.

A limited number of travel grants will be available, and all participants will automatically be taken into consideration. A separate application is not required.

Registration for EAACI Non-Members

The registration fee for non-members is EUR 300.

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