Registration is closed as the meeting is now SOLD OUT.
Registration Fees:
EAACI Junior Member EUR 250
EAACI Member* EUR 350
Non-Member EUR 500
*Only EAACI Members who have paid the full amount of their membership fee are entitled to this reduced rate. Please make sure to pay the EAACI membership before you register for this allergy school. If you would like to become an EAACI Member, pleae click here.
If you select the accommodation opt-out version, the amount of EUR 80.00 will be deducted from your registration fee. Please note, that if you have selected this option, EAACI will not be responsible for the booking or payment of your accommodation. For any additional nights or individual bookings, please click here.
Should you change your mind and require shared accommodation after registration, EAACI will be glad to help, however we cannot guarantee availability. Kindly note that if you change your accomodation more than once, you will be charged a EUR 50.00 administration fee.
Registration for the Allergy School includes:
- Accommodation in a shared twin room (two nights, 11 – 13 April 2019). If you select the accommodation opt-out version, NO accommodation will be booked for you.
- Welcome reception on Thursday evening and dinner on Friday
- Lunch on Friday, coffee breaks on all days
- Handouts from the allergy school
Please note that the registration fee does not include travel costs.
Changes of Registration and Names
Should you be unable to attend, you may transfer your registration to a colleague for a small administrative fee of EUR 20.00.
Terms of Cancellation
General Terms and Conditions are available here.
Complaint Procedure
Should you need to make a complaint, you can write directly to EAACI will respond to complaints within a period of four weeks. Complaints will be treated confidentially and saved in our records for internal use only. In case EAACI will not answer fully to the complaint or there are complaints about EAACI and the event itself, an independent external body can be contacted too: REBO Treuhand Rechtsberatung & Organisation (Swiss Certified Fiduciary). REBOs verdict is binding for EAACI; EAACI is to take any measures required and to do so promptly. Complaints and their handling are recorded; these records are kept for a set of at least 5 years.
Please note: The purpose of an allergy school is to allow a maximum amount of time for interaction between participants and speakers. For this reason we do not encourage accompanying persons. Should you wish to bring an accompanying person, EAACI cannot organise extra accommodation. Only registered participants are invited to social events. If you wish to extend your stay at the hotel or arrive earlier we ask you to liaise with the hotel directly here.
For any other questions regarding your registration, please contact EAACI Headquarters on the