
Organising Committee
Carsten Bindslev-Jensen, FAAM 2018 Chair
Lars K. Poulsen, FAAM 2018 Secretary
Margitta Worm, IG Food Allergy Chair

Scientific Committee
Lars K. Poulsen, Denmark
Antonella Muraro, Italy
Carsten Schmidt-Weber, Germany
Ronald van Ree, Netherlands
Marina Atanaskovic-Markovic, Serbia
Kate Grimshaw, United Kingdom
Montserrat Alvaro-Lozano, Spain
Barbara Ballmer-Weber, Switzerland
Knut Brockow, Germany
Susanne Halken, Denmark

EAACI President
Ioana Agache, Romania

EAACI Vice-President Congresses
Carsten Schmidt-Weber, Germany

Potential Conflict of Interest Declaration
The European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) takes pride in offering scientific educational events of the highest standard. In accordance with UEMS criteria EAACI dutifully request all committee and faculty members to declare any interests they may have which could influence, or might be perceived to influence their judgement or behaviour.

Please click on the following links to view the respective Conflict of Interest forms.

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