EAACI Digital Congress 2020
Make sure you leave room in your agenda for the digital exhibition and the Industry sponsored sessions: up-to-date information on the latest treatments, therapies, products & research from our industry partners.
The move to a digital congress provides sponsors and exhibitors with unique opportunities to reach the EAACI community worldwide from June 6 – 8, 2020 and for an additional 6 month period.
All sponsors and exhibitors who were scheduled to participate in the London meeting will have the opportunity to convert their booked items or carry over their budgeted spending to other EAACI events and initiatives.
We are happy to assist companies in drafting and customising their individual digital presence at the EAACI Digital Congress 2020.
For more information on the sponsor opportunties and further sponsor Q&A, please visit our EAACI Sponsor Online Platform (ESOP) – Industry Service Centre > https://www.eaaci.org/sponsorship/events/detail/eaaci-2020/isc/
Or contact us at eaaci2020sponsorship@eaaci.org to discuss the various options available for you to promote your brand.
Virtual Exhibition
Join us in meeting with key industry experts, exchange knowledge on critical areas of development and research in allergy and immunology.
The digital exhibition will be open according to the main scientific programme timetable, subject to final adjustments.
Start of Virtual Exhibition: 6 June 2020 – 9:00 (CET)
End of Virtual Exhibition: 6 December 2020 – 17:30 (CET)
Please contact us at eaaci2020exhibition@eaaci.org to discuss the various options available in the virtual exhibition area.
Industry Symposia
All symposia offer relevant data on up-to-date scientific information and developments from the Industry.
We are happy to assist companies in selecting the various Symposia options at EAACI 2020 Digital Congress. Please contact us at eaaci2020sponsorship@eaaci.org to discuss the various options available.