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Allergy School in Taormina 2023

23 - 25 March 2023
  • Taormina, Italy

We invite you to join us for the EAACI Allergy School focused on food allergy diagnosis, treatment and prevention, on the 23rd to 25th of March 2023 in Taormina, Italy.

We have witnessed an increase in food allergy prevalence, persistence, and severity over time. The impact of food allergy on patients’ lives goes beyond dietary restrictions to have psycho-social consequences for both patients and their families. A precise diagnosis as well as a patient-tailored management of food allergy are extremely important. In a global ever-changing society, healthcare professionals and researchers working in the field of food allergy need to be aware of new food allergens, potential cross-reactivity, novel diagnostic tests and new approaches to the treatment and prevention of food allergy. Come and learn about all these aspects and more with experienced knowledgeable faculty – there will be many opportunities for informal interactions and fruitful discussions with experts in the field and colleagues, with the beautiful Taormina as the setting, delicious Sicilian food and drinks as a side and a beautiful view of the Mediterranean as the background!

Educational Aims

  • Epidemiology of food allergy – to describe the trends in the prevalence and incidence of food allergy over time and the changing patterns of clinical presentation and severity.
  • Psychological and socio-economic burden of food allergy – to explain the impact that food allergy can have in the quality of life, costs of living and of health care and mental health of affected patients and their families.
  • Food Allergens – to describe the patterns of sensitization and cross-reactivity to different food allergens in various geographical locations around Europe and around the world.
  • Natural history of food allergy – to describe the typical evolution and prognosis of different food allergies and biomarkers that can support management and assessment of food allergy resolution in clinic; to describe the development of new food allergies in adulthood.
  • Diagnosis of food allergies – to describe diagnostic algorithms and differential diagnosis of food allergy; to explain the rationale of interpretation of conventional allergy tests (such as SPT and specific IgE) when supporting the diagnosis of food allergy and to describe the advantages of new tests, including molecular diagnosis and basophil activation test.
  • Treatment of food allergies – to describe standard of care and new treatments for food allergy, including allergen-specific immunotherapy; to explain the principles, risks and benefits of different modalities of food immunotherapy, mainly oral immunotherapy.
  • Prevention of food allergy – to indicate the interventions that should be recommended in practice to prevent the development of food allergy and the measures that can be in place to ensure their practical feasibility.
  • Practical management of food allergy – to describe appropriate recommendations for allergen avoidance and replacements to ensure safety and healthy balance diet in food allergic children and adults.

Expected learning outcomes

After this meeting, attendees will be aware of all the cutting-edge information food allergy diagnosis and prevention. We aim to provide attendees with the practical skills and knowledge to provide guidance to their patients.
Course attendees will update their knowledge about state-of-the-art clinical care and evidence to support emerging tests and treatments for food allergy.
Course attendees will have the opportunity for practical guidance and hands-on experience that they can bring to their day-to-day clinical practice.
By networking and interacting informally with faculty and their attendees, participants will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and to understand different perspectives and experiences in different parts of Europe contributing to a more homogenous and standardised care for food allergic patients.

Target Audience

This Allergy School is intended for healthcare professionals interested in the diagnosis treatment and prevention of food allergy. Researchers and scientists interested in immunonutrition are also welcome. Junior Members’ participation is especially encouraged.

We look forward to welcoming you in Taormina, Italy!

The Scientific Programme Committee

    • List of people image
      Alexandra Santos, UK
    • List of people image
      Alberto Alvarez-Perea, Spain
    • List of people image
      Annamaria Salpietro, Italy
    • Tomas Chivato

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