Register now: Sustainable diet meets immune health

Register now: Sustainable diet meets immune health


We are delighted to open registrations for the joint-webinar of the WG One Health, the WG Immunomodulation & Nutrition, and Section Allied Health & Primary Care on 16 October for the World Food Day in our Knowledge Hub.

Sustainable diet meets immune health on Monday 16 October, 2023. From 6:00 – 8:30 pm CET



1. Sustainable diet – good for environment and for people?
Tilman Kühn
Vienna, Austria.

2. Immune-supportive and sustainable diet for allergy management
Berber Vlieg-Boerstra
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

3. Micronutrition for the immune system
Franziska Roth-Walter
Vienna, Austria.

4. Plant-based diet in children with food allergies – is there a concern?
Rosan Meyer
London, UK.

5. The rising prevalence of allergy to legumes and seeds affecting people following a plant-based diet
Isabel Skypala
London, UK.

6. Risk factors for induction of food allergy
Isabella Pali-Schöll
Vienna, Austria.


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