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Welcome message from the Organising Committee

This year’s EAACI International Severe Asthma Forum (ISAF) will take place in the historic city of Rome, and we are thrilled to invite you to take part in this outstanding scientific meeting. This event is unique in the field of asthma and has a wide variety of sessions providing practical knowledge which will undoubtedly benefit your clinical practice.
We believe all together, we can create a community of professionals who will work towards combatting severe asthma and improving the lives of those affected by it. With the valuable knowledge and experience that each of you brings to the table, we are confident that this event will be a resounding success. It will be our pleasure to gather outstanding professionals who will become part of a truly interactive and interdisciplinary dialogue. We invite you to join the sessions and network with your peers.
According to our commitment to be a knowledge driven organization, we will gather scientists and clinicians with a wide range of experience, from junior scientists/doctors to key-opinion leaders, to discuss the most cutting-edge topics in the field. Additionally, the scientific programme aims to promote scientific collaborations and facilitate the translation of emerging research findings into clinical practice.
Furthermore, to make this an enriching experience for attendees, EAACI will take advantage the hybrid format to deliver the sessions, create a platform for collaboration, and engage professionals from all over the world. To make ISAF a successful scientific event, delegates will be able to communicate and interact with one another in person and digitally to discuss the latest findings in severe asthma.
We look forward to welcoming you to this event once again!


Welcome message VP Congresses

We are eager to welcome you to the upcoming International Severe Asthma Forum (ISAF) Hybrid 2023, to be held in the iconic city of Rome on October 05-07, 2023. We are excited to count on your participation in this highly anticipated scientific event that brings together leading experts and emerging professionals in the field of severe asthma. At this event, we will focus on Severe Asthma which is debilitating and potentially life-threatening condition that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life and offer a multidisciplinary perspective for its treatment.

At ISAF 2023, we aim to not only deepen our understanding of severe asthma but to also focus on improving patient care. Therefore, patient care will be at the forefront of our discussions during the event. We believe that this event will provide our diverse scientific community with rich knowledge and experience to improve patient outcomes. Together, we can make a meaningful contribution to the field of severe asthma and improve the lives of those affected by it.

ISAF will be a fantastic opportunity for networking and will provide attendees with dynamic sessions to share knowledge, research, and experiences. As the field of severe asthma continues to evolve rapidly, it is crucial that we collaborate and work together to advance our understanding and improve patient outcomes.

With the hybrid format of this year’s event, we aim to provide an interactive platform for delegates to exchange insights and information, whether they are attending in person or through our digital platform. We are confident that this will facilitate a unique and productive environment for scientific discussions and meaningful collaborations, bringing together professionals from around the globe.

Moreover, ISAF will be an ideal opportunity to learn about the latest advancements and emerging trends in severe asthma research and clinical practice. We have developed an extensive scientific programme with a diverse range of sessions, from plenary talks to interactive workshops, to provide valuable insights into the field of severe asthma.

We look forward to seeing you in Rome and online for ISAF Hybrid 2023 for a fantastic and engaging scientific event.

Meeting structure

Plenary Sessions
The plenary sessions promise to be an engaging and informative experience for all attendees. These sessions will feature internationally recognized experts who will share the latest research findings and provide valuable insights and perspectives on severe asthma. Plenaries are an integral part of this event and will help create a solid foundation for the workshops and other sessions that will follow.

In the Symposia, speakers will discuss a variety of aspects related to a particular topic and address them to provide delegates with the necessary background to assess the topic critically. In general, the target audience is the group of participants who are primarily interested in the specific topic or who wish to update and increase their knowledge in the field.

Workshop Sessions
We encourage you to take advantage of the various workshops that have been planned, as they will provide you with practical tools that you can straight-forward implement in your practice.

Pro & Con Sessions
The Pro & Con Sessions allow speakers to debate controversial topics in an attractive format which provides “food for thoughts”.

Poster Sessions
During these sessions, there will be interaction between the poster chairs and presenters. The best posters will be awarded with prizes given to presenters at the end of each session.

Organising Committee

  • List of people image
    Matteo Bonini, Italy
    ISAF 2023 Organising Chair
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    Ibon Eguíluz-Gracia, Spain
    ISAF 2023 Organising Chair
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    Stefano Del Giacco, Italy
    EAACI President, ISAF 2023 Co-Chair
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    Antonio Spanevello, Italy
    ISAF 2023 Co-Chair
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    Andre Moreira, Portugal,
    ISAF 2023 Co-Chair
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    Mattia Giovannini, Italy
    ISAF 2023 Co-Chair
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    Mohamed Shamji, UK,
    EAACI Vice President Congresses

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