Scientific Programme
Sponsorship & Exhibitors
Scientific Programme
Sponsorship & Exhibitors
The 9th Drug Hypersensitivity Meeting (DHM) will take place virtually in the EAACI Digital Congress Platform, on April 21, 2022. The traditional EAACI focused meeting was held for the first time in 2014 and has gathered thousands of delegates throughout its eight editions. DHM is an interdisciplinary meeting, bringing together researchers and physicians from different disciplines to exchange their most up-to-date data in this continually evolving field and to transfer them into clinical practice. It is the leading event of its kind, and one of the most anticipated EAACI meetings.
In 2022, DHM will become the perfect platform for our community to have access to the latest and cutting-edge molecular, cellular, and social media tools for allergy diagnosis in alternating theoretical and practical sessions. Participants will learn from experts how to apply these tools and will be presented with the possibility to exchange with peers coming from all over the world.
The scientific programme will include the symposia on virus infection and drug allergy, the mechanism of how viral infection modulates drug allergy, diagnosis of ADR to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, and more.
We hope you enjoy every second of this one-day meeting and take this opportunity to not only expand your horizon in terms of knowledge but also networking and personal development.
Welcome to DHM Digital 2022!
Patrizia Bonadonna, Italy, DHM 2022 Local Organising Chair
Ingrid Terreehorst, The Netherlands, DHM 2022 Co-Chair
Gian-Enrico Senna, Italy, DHM 2022 Co-Chair
Mauro Pagani, Italy, DHM 2022 Co-Chair