
Registration is only available for successful abstract submitters.

70 accepted abstract submitters will be invited to register for the event based on the quality of the submitted abstract.

Winter School Registration Category Fees
EAACI Junior Member* Free
EAACI Member ** EUR 400.00
Non-member EUR 550.00

*Registration for EAACI Junior Members
In order to benefit from free registration, your membership must be active by the time the abstract is submitted. If this is not the case, your application will be treated as Non-member.

Travel costs must be covered by the participant.

Registration for the Winter School includes:

  • Complimentary accommodation in a shared twin bedroom (3 nights, 30 January 2025 – 02 February 2025) Kindly note, If you select the accommodation opt-out version, NO accommodation will be booked for you and EAACI will not be responsible for the booking or payment of your accommodation.
  • Welcome reception on Thursday
  • Dinners on Thursday, Friday, Saturday
  • Coffee breaks on Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Accommodation including breakfast is provided at the Symposion Hotel Pichlmayrgut
Adress: Pichl 54 8973, Schladming, Austria
Tel: +43 (6454) 7305 41

Please be aware that this hotel will also serve as the meeting venue.

Kindly note that any additional hotel nights required should be booked directly with the hotel at your own expense. EAACI will not arrange accommodation beyond the 3 nights specified above. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that the Winter School aims to maximize interaction between participants and speakers. Therefore, we do not encourage the attendance of accompanying persons. Social events are exclusively for registered participants.

If you wish to utilize your EAACI Voucher for payment, please enable the “Voucher” button which is visible on the “Summary & Submit” page. Kindly note that once your registration has been submitted, voucher payment is not applicable.

Registration terms and conditions
Registration privacy notice

For any other questions regarding your registration, please contact EAACI Headquarters at

For more information on scientific and logistical aspects, please contact EAACI Headquarters at

The onsite registration fees are exempt of VAT.

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