Governance Committee
The Governance Committee is a permanent body instituted by the EAACI Executive Committee (ExCom) to deal with the Academy’s specific governance requirements such as periodic revision and update of Constitution and Bylaws, organigram of the Association (Sections, IGs and WGs), etc.
The Governance Committee
María TorresPresident
Mohamed ShamjiSecretary-General
Stefano del GiaccoPast-President
Patrizia BonadonnaTreasurer
Aspasia KaravaliaJM Assembly Chair
Constantinos PitsiosIG-WG Representative
Arantza Vega CastroIG-WG Representative
Tomás ChivatoEthics Committee Chair
Annick BarbaudDermatology Section Chair
María EscribeseMember-at-Large
Ludger KlimekVP Communications 2022-2024
Leticia de las VecillasJM Assembly Chair 2022-2024