SAM 2025 Back

27 - 29 March 2025 Bilbao, Spain

Grzegorz Porebski


Grzegorz Porebski

Grzegorz Porebski is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Department of Clinical and Environmental Allergology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. He has been a practicing allergist, researcher and academic teacher for over 20 years. During his scientific career, he also worked as a guest researcher at University of Bern, Switzerland. His main research focus is on hereditary angioedema and drug hypersensitivity reactions. He served as an expert consultant for governmental institutions and international industry, a reviewer of the high-ranked journals in his field, as well as an invited speaker and chairman during scientific international meetings, including EAACI events. His commitment earned awards with the fellowship of the Ministry of Science and a research grant of the National Science Center. He is a member of HAE International Working Group, European Network for Drug Allergy, and the Executive Board of HAE Section in Polish Society of Allergology.


Friday 28 Mar
11:45 - 13:15 POSTER DISCUSSION SESSION Poster Discussion Session Foyer