Marta Ferrer


Marta Ferrer

Marta Ferrer, MD, PhD, Dean of the Universidad de Navarra Medical School, Pamplona, Spain. Focused on physiopathology of CSU, histaminergic angioedema, nanoparticles based oral immunotherapy. Chair of the EAACI Tailored Education Committee. Harvard Macy scholar from Harvard Medical School.


Saturday 1 Jun
13:15 - 14:45 Flash talks on Dermatology Flash Talks Cordoba
15:00 - 16:30 Advancing Atopic Dermatitis care: insights and innovations Oral Abstract Sessions Granada
Sunday 2 Jun
13:15 - 14:45 IL-31 signaling in the skin pathophysiology Thematic Symposia Zaragoza , Channel Zaragoza